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After the whole 20-minute ass breaking,jaw dropping and mind-blowing make out sessions. Taehyung limped back to the bleachers,in time for the game to officially start.

Jungkook returned to court with a victorious smirk,rustled hair and sweaty figure. Jeongguk gave his twin an irk, just envious he got the dibs.

Taehyung yelped as he sat down on the steel pew of chairs, earning a glance by the brothers who shot worried looks.

"You overdid it!" The elder scolded.

"Oh shut up. You could have done more shit than I did." Jungkook spanked Jeongguk's butt. Making all girls go haywire.

Taehyung internally blushed at the action. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Hey,is this seat taken?" A new voice came into audit.

Taehyung looked up to see a blueberry.
He had a good physique,which was visible with the plain shirt he wore that hugged his assets well..very well.

"O-oh. No,it isn't." Taehyung snapped back into reality.

"Oh good! I thought it was." The blueberry cheered.

"The name's Jimin!~ Park Jimin." He smiled,that radiated contagiously unto Taehyung's face.

"Oh! Park Jimin. I have my art class with you, right?" Taehyung said,in realization.

"Yup! But rarely I don't." He laughed awkwardly.

"Why? I know it's not my place---or anything."

"I guess I could trust you---hmmm. Okay.. See that guy there?" Jimin pointed to a supposed teacher on the court,holding a basketball,and a referee whistle in his mouth.

"That's coach Yoongi.. Right? The head coach for the varsity team."

"And he's also my boyfriend" Jimin pointed out.

(a/n: wow sana all)

"R-really? Damn."

"I know. It's hard to believe... But every art class, he wants someone to cuddle with him because he just wants to rest,or maybe sleep. And so,that's where I come in." Jimin stretched his arms,groaning exhaustedly.

"Lucky you~" Taehyung giggled.

"But if Yoongi didn't do any shit towards his feelings for me. I would 10/10 hit on one of the twins there." Jimin said,like it was rehearsed.

"Oh,they're my siblings.. The Jeons? Yeah." Taehyung casually said.

"Wait,the Jeons are your siblings? Well aren't you the luckiest~"

Luckiest my ass. And my ass isn't even lucky.

"Imagine having to wake up with two Greek Gods in the same house. Sharing the same towel,sharing the same soap~~" Jimin practically drooled at the thought.

"It isn't that...close---"

"Shh! The game's about to start." Jimin shushed the younger.

"GO CHANYEOL!!" Taehyung screamed to the top of his lungs,earning a blowing kiss from the aforementioned.

And a glare from the twins.


It was the fourth quarter and the game was going..okay.

After Chanyeol received empty death threats from the twins, Taehyung practically begged the referee---I mean.. Jimin seductively begged--- blackmailed the referee to have a time-out.

No sex for Yoongi Jimin thought.

Taehyung called Chanyeol to his side,before wrapping his arms around the big guy's neck. Whispering praises of joy.

"You're doing great!" Taehyung praised,pecking his boyfriend's cheek.

"Yeah,thanks,baby boy.. But god,your siblings are annoying." He laughed,returning the peppered kisses.

"Don't mind them.. They're only competitive when it comes to this types of events."

"Yeah,castration threats are one--right?" Chanyeol awkwardly laughed.

"They threatened you like that?" Taehyung came into shock.

The twins threaten people a lot. But this was the first time Taehyung ever heard a castration threats from them.

"Don't think about it,babe.~" Taehyung reassuringly cooed.

"Hell yeah. I'm gonna win this for you." Chanyeol winked at his blushing boyfriend.

"I have faith"

Faith our asses. The twins thought.

The referee blew his trusty blue whistle, indicating the end of the time-out.

Chanyeol kissed Taehyung's cheek one last time before going back to the court.

Jungkook,being the more aggressive twin,almost pounced on Chanyeol due to jealousy. However the other twin had the brain to stop his other half.

The game continued. And it was like the intro of High School Musical 3 and whatnot. Every player was sweaty and girls cheering for more sweat to come. For you see, the jerseys athletes wore were thin fabrics. Like, thread-thin. One sip of moisture,sweat or any liquid could potentially do wonders underneath.

And the three were no exceptions. Having blessed with outstanding physique and a bulky figure. Girls would find themselves orgasming just looking at them.

One time, Jeongguk was sweating so much during soccer practice, a girl in the bleachers...came.

That's how hot they are.

Taehyung snapped back at the game with only minutes away from the end.

Chanyeol's team was ahead by a heap of points; glancing over at the twins, they seemed pissed at the referee for handing points to the opposite team, when most likely they were the ones ought to get the points.

Scratching his head,frustratingly. Jeongguk backed out from the argument. Since the decision was final.

Wiping his beads of sweat using the hems of his jersey, showing off his bread and exposing his v-line. All girls went haywire, screaming his name.

And for the first time..

Taehyung felt jealous.

Jungkook glanced at his younger sibling,Taehyung. And smirked at his clenching jaw, and closed fists as he stared at his twin.

Jungkook took a quick glance at his twin,who raised an eyebrow

Sending signals only they could understand, they only had one choice to get Taehyung to favor them instead of Chanyeol.

Is to play him at his own game.

Sorry for slow updates.

I--- just have been sad since Cameron Boyce died. I just--- ugh. I can't explain my sadness rn. He was part of my childhood from Jessie to Descendants. And he was still vvvvv young.

My condolences goes to his family and friends. Especially the cast and crew of Jessie and Descendants. 😭💔💓💓

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