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Taehyung felt empty

Literally and figuratively.

Panting over stroking his untouched member for 3 weeks. Straight.

He wanted to release so bad. But the thought of the twins having to do the deed kept creeping up on his mind.

Just the thought of climaxing made him moan.

Speaking of the twins, in the past few weeks,he never made contact with them since the game. And you guessed it.

The twin's team lost.

Chanyeol felt ecstatic on the other hand. He got into the varsity team, which left Taehyung all alone for most of the time after school,since the tall man had practices for upcoming championships.

The twins were no better.

Feeling pissed over a tough loss. They were barely even home. And when they do make contact with Taehyung, it was just one-worded sentences. Not the usual five.

One time, Taehyung was so desperate, he shoved a dildo and a vibrator at the same time unto him and wore it to school.

God,how he sweated the whole day. It was almost like he ran a marathon.

Shaking his head in disbelief. He stood up with his bone still standing strong. And made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of milk.

Opening the refrigerator as the light inside the appliance almost blinded him because of it being too bright, scanning over to get the carton.

Getting what he wanted, giggling was heard outside as the jingling of keys resonated as well. Revealing the twins.

They were basically glowing and whatnot. Making Taehyung wonder.

"O-oh,you're home." Jeongguk spat

"Y-yeah. I always am." You two always aren't though

"Why are you awake? It's like 3 in the morning." Jungkook asked with the same poker face his twin resembled.

"I--just wanted a glass of m-milk." Taehyung said.

"Well hurry up. It's a bother cleaning up after you." Jeongguk stated with a cold tone.

It felt like a stab in the heart to Taehyung.

Even Jungkook was surprised on the choice of words his twin spat,nevertheless he remained cool.


Taehyung stared at the twins with twinkling eyes as he drank from the glass, their rippled muscles showing over their white shirts and tattoos on their arms. Made Taehyung weak to the gut.

"W-why are you ignoring m-me?" Taehyung suddenly popped the question.

"Hmm? Are we?" Jungkook asked.

"Y-yes. It's b-been weeks." Taehyung murmured.

"Oh,poohoo. Grow up, Taehyung." Jeongguk spat once again.

"W-what?" Taehyung asked with a surprised face plastered.

"Jeongguk,that's enough" Jungkook scolded.

"No! Kook. He doesn't get it. The fact that the both of us can't come close to his boyfriend sickens me to the gut!" Jeongguk said with annoyance.

"W-what does Chanyeol have to do with this?" Taehyung exasperated.

"Oh my God, Chanyeol this,Chanyeol that. God why don't you live with him if you like him that much!" Jungkook spat. Now Jeongguk was the one surprised.

The Perfect Twins And I (GgukTaekook)Where stories live. Discover now