Saving him

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Age : 15

- MIKE -

" You can't keep doing this " I said, looking down at El. Her head rested lightly on my chest, her legs between mine as I held onto her cold hands.
She looked up at me " I had to Mike. " She said, hearing the weakness of her voice made my heart ache.
" But El, you could've been hurt, o-or even worse. "
" I know, but I'll always protect you and everyone else no matter what. "

~ earlier that day ~

The upside down is so cold. It's dark and silent, an unpleasant silence that gives you goosebumps, despite the bitter air.
Me and the rest of the party made our way around, El leading us. I watch her carefully, worried. She's so determined. She wants to end this for good.

A few days ago we started noticing things. Lights flickering, Will had started to become more quiet. El's nightmares started to return. Last night she had the worst nightmare she'd had in a long time. Will hasn't spoken a word all day.

El knows why. This is the Mind Flayer's doing. And she wants nothing less than for it be gone.
So we gathered everyone and made our way to the upside down to fight it.

I became lost in my thoughts, and before I could even notice I'd strayed from the group I looked up. The Mind Flayer stood before me.
And before I could even scream it was taking over my body.
I could see the black smoke fill me through my mouth. I tried to stop it, pull away. Scream.
But I couldn't. I was terrified.
It burned, I felt like my body was being destroyed from the inside out.

My voice came back but I stood frozen in fear. I screamed, my voice cracking from how loud I cried out.

I fell to the ground, feeling it's power start to course through my veins.

" What the hell are you doing? " I heard Max scream from somewhere in the distance.
" Saving him! " El yelled back and I heard her running closer.

~ present ~

" are you okay? " El said in a quiet voice, looking at me.
She looked drained, her eyes had sunken in, she was pale.
It hurt me to see her that weak.
But I held myself back, trying to answer honestly while also not bringing her into my answer.
" I just feel sore is all..but yeah I'm okay..."

" Mike you can tell me the truth " She sounded concerned.
I sniffled, urging myself to control my emotions. " I-I I'm sorry El..." I stated weakly.
" Mike it's okay, just tell me what's wrong. " She held my head in her hands, looking into my eyes with a concerned expression.

I took a deep breath, " I just get so worried, I couldn't live without you....I can't even imagine w-waking up and you're not there...a-and not having you to hold, and l-love...I need you El...I couldn't g-" I rambled on, feeling like I was physically melting into her before she intervened, pulling me from my worries with a gentle kiss before pressing her forehead to mine, " You won't lose me. Not now. Not ever. You'll always have me. But Mike, I worry the same thing about you...earlier today, what could've been killed. If we hadn't found you in time you could've been too far gone, o-or the monster could've killed you already. It didn't want to use wanted to hurt me by getting rid of you. And, if it really had g-gotten rid of you...I just..I couldn't go on..." Her words trailed as her breathing started to get heavier and I grabbed her hands.

God, how can I be this selfish? I've been so worried about how I'd feel if I'd lost her. How I wouldn't be able to go on, how I would be heartbroken.
I didn't even think about how she must feel right now. She saved me today. She could've gotten hurt or worse for the sake of saving me.

" I'm so sorry..this whole time I've only been thinking about me..b-but I didn't even think about how you feel right now or what you're thinking..." I said, stopping to kiss her forehead " I'm always going to be with you. You can't lose me. I'm here, now and forever " I said softly, moving one of my hands from intertwined with hers to her hair, running my fingers through it as she watched my eyes and took deep breaths, calming down her heaving chest.

" Mike? " she questioned quietly, her eyes meeting mine, I nodded in response with a soft hum, still gently brushing through her hair with my hand.
" Do you think we'll be forever? " The words slipped off her tongue so easily, sounding so innocent and soft, I couldn't help but smile.
I nodded, " Of course, I don't want a future if it's not with you. "
" Really? "
" It's not living if it's not with you. " I answered,
watching El's lips form a gentle smile, the worry leaving her face.
Seeing her at ease automatically made me feel better too.
I kissed her nose, " you're so beautiful " I said, she looked down as her cheeks blushed. She really is the most adorable person ever. The flustered look on her face that she gets when I compliment her is so rewarding, I'll never take for granted getting to be the person to put butterflies in her stomach like she does to me.
I smiled as she hid her face in my chest,
" I love you " I said, placing a kiss to the top of her head.
" I love you too " She said quietly into my chest before looking up at me, and I did the only thing I could think to do, leaning closer to her and kissing her. She moved one of her legs to rest over mine as we deepened the kiss, our mouths moving in sync as I felt her smile a little into the kiss.
Although the kiss had started to get more intense my intentions were pure, just wanting to make El feel happy and loved.
Our kiss lasted a little longer and we pulled away, both of us with smiles on our faces.
El kissed my jaw before resting her head on my chest, I wrapped my arms around her, making sure that nothing could steal her from my grip.
" Goodnight El "
" Night Mike "




Hey guys! In celebration of the new mileven content here's a new one!!! Ily guys so much and all the new stranger things posters and teasers have really helped me feel happy and I can't wait for season 3, I hope you guys enjoy this and leave your opinions in the comments ❤️

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