Chapter 23

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~Dally's POV~

Me and Cassie were so excited about having a baby boy.

I was a little nervous about being a first time dad but oh well I'm sure everything will go ok.

When we got home as soon as I walked in the door all the negative thoughts kept running threw my head.

I kept thinking that he was gonna hate me when he was born but I don't know why he would hate me.

Cassie interrupted my thoughts by saying "baby I'm gonna go lay down"

"ok babe" I said.

She walked upstairs to lay down and a few minutes later she walked back downstairs and i said concerned "whats wrong babe"

"I can't sleep. Will you come sleep with me?"

"sure babe."

I walked over to Cassie and picked her up bridle style and carried her upstairs.

I laid her carefully down on our bed and laid down next to her.

I put my arms around her and pulled her close to me.

I had my hand on her bump and I felt the baby kick.

Cassie laid her hand over top of mine and she said "he loves to kick me"

I just laughed and kissed her cheek.

"hey don't laugh that's not nice" she said

"ok babe I'm sorry" i said while kissing her cheek.

"your fine baby"

We then fell asleep in each others arms.

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