Chapter 27

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~Cassie's POV~

We were in the middle of nowhere and we weren't even half way to New York.

I was getting really nervous considering the fact that I was almost 8 months pregnant.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach but I just ignored it.

Dally reached over and grabbed my hand and I fell asleep.

A few hours later Dally woke me up and said "we're here babe."

I looked out the window and we were at a big house that looked like a mansion.

"How in the world did you buy a mansion" I asked

"I didn't" he said

"then how did you get this mansion"

"it used to belong to my mother and she said when she died I could have it to live in with my family"


I slowly got out of the car.

I wasn't feeling too well and the baby kept kicking me receptively.

I felt water trickle down my leg and I looked at Dally scared and he instantly knew what was wrong so he helped me back into the car and he drove to the hospital.

~a couple hours later~

~Dally's POV~

I was sitting next to Cassie with Jr. on my lap watching her hold our daughter.

She was so cute and I loved her already.

Cassie and I decided to name her Catherine Marie Winston.

After awhile we all went home to our new house which was of course my mothers mansion.

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