Chapter 8

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I woke to someone shaking me. Blinking away the sleep from my eyes the world slowly came into focus. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Vivi looked down at me. "Vivi?" I mumble. "What are you doing here?" I rubbed my eyes sitting up in bed. "I came to pick up some interesting books to read. Gotta do something, right?" Realisation clicked into place. "Oh, I see." I only got two books here right now. Can't take them all at once." Vivi nods. "Then I'll take one and try to be done with it by the time you return from the palace." "Alright." I get up and walk over to my closet pulling the books out. I hesitate for a moment. Taryn or me, me or Taryn. After a moment of consideration I give her the book holding Taryn's story. "This one I believe is about Taryn." I tell my sister. Vivi takes the book then glances at the one I'm holding. "And that one is yours isn't it?" I nod. "Are you sure you want to read that?" I look at the book. "I have too." Vivi gives me a sympathetic smile. "I understand." She gets up. "I should be on my way now, almost time for everyone to get up." I rise with her. "Alright, I'll see you tonight then." As soon as Vivi leaves the room I put the book back into my closet. I put on a ocean blue dress and braid my hair. Then I steel myself as I made my way to Locke's room. When I entered he was still asleep. So I sat on the bed next to him and gently slide his hair out of his face. "Locke." I whisper as I brush a kiss to his cheek. "Wake up. It's morning already." He groans as he opens his eyes to look at me. I give him my sweetest smile. "Slept well?" He takes my hand a places a kiss on it. "Yes, I have. But I can barely remember last night..." He rubs his chin deep in thought. "Did we sleep together then?" Heat rises in my cheeks. "Y-yes." I stumble out without thinking about it. He grins at my reaction. Sitting up he brushes his lips against my cheek. "Let's do it again tonight." He whispers in my ear and cold shivers run down my spine. I would rather never repeat last night. I don't trust my voice not to sound disgusted so I just smile at him. "Well, time for me to get dressed as well then." He says rising to his feet. "I'll wait downstairs in the dining room." I tell him getting off the bed as well and making a quick escape out of the room. Outside I realise a shuddering breath. I would not keep this up for long. I needed to be fast in my actions and get out of here as fast as possible. Maybe Madoc should be next on my list. Surely I could spend some nights there as well. But for today my focus would again be Lord Roiben. I was surely still pissed at the undersea and would help me with my revenge. In a way it would be revenge for him as well. I just hoped he would be there today.

I had managed to avoid more touches and kisses from Locke at his estate. Here at Elfheim's palace he would at least give me some space. Or so I thought. Turns out Cardan wasn't here yet. Neither was Nicasa. And so Locke stuck with me. This would be a problem. There was however music and people dancing. I scanned the dancing crowd and to my surprise I found Lord Roiben in it. This day might not be so bad after all. So I turned to Locke. "Dance with me." I purred holding out my hand. "Of course." His response was fast as he took me to the dance floor. His closeness however was disturbing to say the least. As we twirled to the music I felt it take hold of me. And I hoped this would work out well enough. After two dances we exchanged partners and I spun so fast on my heel that I pushed a woman right out from under Lord Roiben's nose. Lord Roiben raised an eyebrow at me as I made a small courtesy. The woman seemed less pleased as I had just robbed her of her dancing partner. But luckily for me another man was quick to offer her a hand. As I looked up at Lord Roiben I gave him an innocent smile. "Lady Taryn, How-" He paused for a moment. "Unexpected." My smile broadening as I took his hand placing my other on his shoulder. "I've been looking for you, my Lord." I tell him truthfully. Weariness gleamed in his eyes. "Have you now?" He spun me around and pulled me back close again. "Why would you be looking for me, I wonder?" I tilt my head slightly. "Because I do need to talk with you." The look of confusing and distrust he gives me is obvious. So I lean in close and whisper in his ear. "After all, I did kill Balekin for you. Didn't I?" His head flicked to mine our faces only inches apart. I gave him a knowing smile. My own smile. I see the moment recognition flickers in his eyes. Than his eyes dart quickly around the room and back to me. "You are playing a dangerous game, Jude." My name is just a whisper but it feels good to hear someone say it. "Live is a dangerous game." I tell him. "I am back to pay back the ones that have betrayed me. And I was wondering if you wanted a part in my plans." I glance around us before whispering in his ear. "Against the undersea." His gaze holds mine. His face yields nothing. I wonder if I've overestimated my chances to win him to my side as he remains quit for then next two spins. Then however he pulls me close and whispers. "What exactly did you have in mind?" "Justice." I replay. His eyes sparked. "Meet me again, somewhere-" He paused. "More private." I smile a sweet Taryn smile at him as we switch partners. I turn to my right convinced this day was going to go great after all. But the instance I lay eyes on my next dance partner I stumble. Cardan is wearing an elegant green golden vest. Beneath a white shirt is partly showing. A single ruby sparkles at his left ear. It reminds me of a ring and I almost freeze up. Quickly I make a hasty courtesy avoiding his eyes. "Your majesty." I manage to get out. "Dance with me." His voice sounds amused. As his hand hovers in my view I rise to take it. His eyes dance with delight at my flustered reaction. As he pulls me in close his hand on my waist my breath catches in my throat. His closeness messes with my senses. I put my hand on his shoulder and we fall into the rhythm of the music. I breath in his scent. All kind of feelings bubble up inside me and I leash them. Pushing them down far into the depths of my mind. They would do me no good. "I hear you visited your sisters in the human world." I almost jump at the sudden sound of his voice breaking my thoughts apart. "Y-yes." I stumble out and instantly hating myself for it. I hate looking weak or afraid before him. But it would probably be exactly what Taryn would be. "How are they? Locke told me Vivienne said something about an attack and Jude being injured?" My heart speeds up. Vivi indeed had gotten Taryn into the human world with a story like that. But why did Cardan care. "They told me there had been an assassination attempt on Oak." I tell him truthfully while glancing at his reaction. Surprise and concern flickered in his eyes. "Jude was injured in the attack." Cardan's eyes held mine, searching, for what I was not quite sure. "And?" He pushed me on. "She killed the assassins. Her injuries aren't half that bad." Relieve crossed his eyes for a brief moment than his mask slides back into place. "I didn't expect anything less." With that he stepped away from me as the music paused for a new song. I quickly fled the dance floor. My heart hammered in my throat. Whether from all the dancing or Cardan I wasn't quite sure. Probably both. I stopped a servant walking around with drink and took a glass of what appears to be some sort of liquor. I empty the glass in one go. I needed to focus. I had Lord Roiben's interest. That was a good start. Now I needed to get a better picture of the whole situation. There had been no words about Madoc or his army at court. It seemed to me that Cardan was still trying to hide the fact that Madoc had no more oaths or loyalty for his king. But surely he had some sort of plan to defend against an incoming attack. Which is why Madoc hadn't made a move yet. He was planning. I needed to get some insight on that. Also I needed to get the the bottom of Locke's involvement. I needed to read those books. I looked around the room and found Locke laughing with three court ladies. I rolled my eyes. It seems I would not be missed. So I left the room. In the hallway I saw the bomb standing in the shadows. Still onto me. But it's fine. I got nothing to hide from her right now. As I head to the stables and take the horse I had arrived on. Locke would stay a view more hours. Giving me time to read books. 


Inspiration songs for this chapter:

Also the dancing song for Cardan and Jude: The violin version is really great <3

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