Part 10

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Isen's POV
"Um..." I hesitate.

It was definitely John. Man, what a monster! But I can't just expose him like this. If I tell anyone, who knows what else he'll do to me? I need an excuse to leave...

"Isen?!" Blyke snaps me out of my thoughts.


"That's pretty strange. How come you were beaten by somebody we don't already know about?"

"...." I don't say anything as my eyes widen in shock, my lip quivering.

"He was definitely from Wellston. I'm sure you know who it was, right? You can manage to get into almost any websites-if you found this guy then you probably already dug up all the information that you found on him. I want to know who did this to you. Someone strong enough to defeat you? It's not just a regular old mid-tier." Blyke said, giving me a cold stare, in the hopes that I will tell him.

First, let's try avoiding the question.

"Can you cut it out? I just suffered a humiliating defeat."


I need to pretend like I don't know.

"I d-don't know w-what you're talking about. W-why would I know?" I stuttered.

Damn it! I messed up.

As if Blyke can see right through me, he grabs my collar and glares at me. "Dude. Who the hell did this to you? You damn right now. Don't even bother pretending like you don't."

Sh-t. I can't pretend anymore.

"I'm afraid of what he might do to you..." I mumble, quietly.

Blyke's POV
"Do to me? What makes you think th-" I stopped myself, realizing that Isen probably knows this guys level.

This guy is real cruel, leaving Isen knocked out on the ground. He didn't even bring him to the infirmary, which Meili had to do. Seeing how badly he doesn't want to tell me shows how frightened he is.

"You're scared?" I ask.

"This guy is... a monster. I'm afraid of what he'll do if I tell you." Isen says.

"Everyone around me is getting hurt, and I barely know anything! What if something bad happens and I can't save you?!" Remi cries out.

Like her brother.

I pull her into a hug. "Remi... it's fine." I feel a tear slide down her cheek.

"No... it's not!" She cries out.

Isen's POV
"Ring! Ring!" I hear my cellphone go off, distracting everyone.


"Sorry guys, I gotta run. I got an important call. You heard that." Blyke just glares at me.

Whatever. At least I got that over with.


"Is this," *giggle* "Johnny's Pizzeria?" An explosion of laughter comes out from my phone.

What the? A prank call? Really? It's not even a good one. I could've done much better at their age. Well then, if we don't want them calling again, I can't just hang up.

"Right, Michael. Remember to act like a silly ki-" I try listening to the murmurs in the background.

What are they saying? I can barely hear those whispers.

I wait.

"Michael! Tell him the thing." I hear someone try to say quietly.

A smile crept on to my lips.

They'll be so frightened.

"Michael... I know it's you again. Do you want me to get your mother on the phone? You know what happened last time." I say, attempting to talk in a lower voice, so I sound older.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"


I exit the mall and wait at the bus stop. I check the time.



I hear a soft, muffled sound, something similar to dry leaves or paper.


I turn around.

Is there anything there? I could swear I heard something.

Just then, someone who was invisible came closer.

Ugh! I feel some-


I block his punch, activating my ability and putting a lock on whoever this person was. I could faintly see them now.

"Not today, b-tch. I've had enough going on in my life. Don't feel the need to challenge someone again."

"Heh. You better listen to what I say. You seem pretty damn useful. Come with me, or else I'll have to harm you."

Who does this guy he think he is?

I thrust my arm forward as I punch him, right in the stomach. A straight.


Bossing me around, even though he's weak.

"Don't worry, there's worse coming your way," I taunt.

I swing my arm, which is bent at a 90 degree angle, in a horizontal ark, and at his jaw. A hook.

"Ah, f-ck!" He winces in pain.

"Hmph," I smirk triumphantly.

"Don't be fresh with me, you brat!" He yells.

I throw my leg forward, kicking him right in the rib cage. That results in me hearing a "Crack"!

"What the hell, man? You're not even that strong. Don't just think you can boss me around."

This guy was pretty idiotic. He thought he himself could take me down, and do whatever they please with me. They didn't even bring backup.

Oh well. Too bad for him.

I turn to leave, and feel sudden pain. I wince.

"Argh!" I yell out.

I was not expecting that.

"Did you really think we're that stupid, kid?"

Author: Woah there Blyke, why do you want to know so bad? So you know who's goanna beat your ass at the school Turf Wars?

Blyke: Wha- no! You're making me say all this!

Author: >:)

Blyke: I do want to know who did this to Isen, because they're that powerful and we don't know who they even are. I don't care that much, though.

Author- 'that much', huh. You're contradicting yourself.

Blyke- Staphh!

Author- Nope.

If you haven't already, go check out the new unOrdinary chapter! (It used to update at 12am for me, but now it updates 9pm on Wednesday.) When does it update for you?
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