Chapter 2

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His family tried to stop him, but he ignored them, as well as the doctors who tried to tell him he needed rest. He walked out of the hospital, and started to head towards Rafiki's house, hoping to find answers there. When he arrived, Rafiki wasn't home, but Kion was determined. he had been in there plenty of times, mostly for advice, and he remembered a locked door he saw in the basement once. He hadn't meant to see it, but had caught a glimpse of it once when Rafiki had came out of the basement, and he had seen it during the time the door had been open. Rafiki usually kept the basement door locked as well, but Kion was prepared to break it down if he had to. He picked the front doors lock and entered. He searched the house for a key, but found nothing.

Kion: "If I were Rafiki, where would I hide something small like a key?" He asked himself.

Kion had an idea, and he went to the kitchen. He found one particular fruit, that he had noticed nevr seemed to go away, and examined it closely. Sure enough, there seemed to be a crack on it, and he opened it, revealing an old key. He went to the basement door and used the key, and it opened. He entered the basement, his hand searching the wall for a light switch., until he found it. He flipped it, and light flooded into the room, allowing him to see the locked door. It had several thick padlocks and metal bars across it, as if to keep something in, not out. he also noticed strange cryptic writing and symbols on the door in an unfamiliar language. Kion tried to use the key on the locks, but it wouldn't fit. He searched around for the key, but came up empty. Once again, he tried to think like Rafiki, but couldn't find anything obvious. Then he thought what if he hid it somewhere completely unlike how he would usually hide something? He immediately looked back at the door, and looked back at the padlocks. He cheche the back of each one, and found a secret compartment on the biggest one. Looking inside, he found the key, he immediately used it to unlock all of the padlocks, then he lifted the bars of the door. He opened the door, and a blast of cold knocked him back, and he for the first time thought that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He looked through the open door into a long, dark corridor with only just enough light to see a few yards into it.

Kion: "To late to go back now." He told himself.

He entered, and marched down the corridor with as much confidence as he could muster. After a minute of walking, he came across a staircase going down. He began to descend, and he walked for about 20 minutes before he came across a iron door. He opened it, and entered a large room lit with dozens of candles. In the center of the room was a large, dark throne with the carving of a lion head with glowing red eyes on each armrest, and several red candles on the back. And sitting on this throne was a figure wearing demonic armor, and holding a huge sword that appeared to be made of steel with a skull on the cross guard. Kion didn't know what to do, he hadn't expected this.

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???: "Come closer my boy

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???: "Come closer my boy. I will not harm you" The demonic figure spoke in a smooth, deep voice, that for some reason made Kion relax.

He slowly approached the figure cautiously, then stopped a few feet away.

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