Chapter 3

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Kion appeared at the door to Janja's clans home. He took a deep breath, then knocked. After a minute, Nne, one of Janja's hyenas, opened the door, and was shocked to see Kion standing there. 

Kion smiled "Hello Nne, nice to see you, I have business to discus with Janja." he told him.

Nne didn't know what to do, then janja called "Who is it Nne?"

Kion pushed past the hyena, and entered to see Janja and his clan sitting in the living room watching the news. When janja saw Kion however, he stood up quickly and got into a fighting stance, pulling out a knife.

Janja: "What are you doing here Kion? You should know better than to enter my turf." He threatened.

The rest of the clan stood and drew their own knives, ready to fight.

Kion looked unimpressed "Janja, you know you can't beat me, besides i'm here to talk business, not fight." He said in a bored tone.

Janja hesitated "What kind of business?" He asked carefully.

Kion: "I need everything you know about the possible whereabouts of Doomfist, and anyone you know of who might know something. I'm willing to pay well."  he said.

Kion pulled out his wallet, then brought out his credit card "Only I can use this, and i'm willing to pay you $50,000 for any information you have." he continued.

Janja almost salivated at the idea of so much money, he could buy a mansion, cool cars, a better group of thugs to do his dirty work.

Janja: "That's it? Sorry Kion but that's not enough." he said.

Kion smiled: "I figured that you would say that." He said.

Suddenly Kion rushed forward at impossible speeds. He had his sword against Janja's throat in seconds. No one moved, not daring to risk Janja's life.

Kion leaned close to janja's face "Tell me what you know, or I will kill you where you stand." he threatened.

Janja: "You wouldn't Kion, your to soft to-"

Kion grabbed Janja's knife and stabbed it into the throat of one of the hyenas, who collapsed with blood spewing out of his neck.

Kion: "You sure about that Janja? Want to try your luck?" He asked in almost a whisper.

Janja: "I don't know anything! But Mzingo might, he was watching the fight earlier." he said desperately.

Kion: "See? Was that so hard?" He let janja go then left.

He knew Mzingo's house wasn't far, and arrived there a few minutes later.

He found the entire parliament there and approached. They were surprised to see Kion, and Mwoga asked what he was doing here.

Kion: "I wanted to ask Mzingo a few questions." he answered.

Mzingo: "Well, what are they?" he asked, curious of the lion's reasons for being there.

Kion: "Do you know anything about the whereabouts of Doomfist?" He asked.

Mzingo nodded "Yes, as a matter of fact, he has taken up residence in Zira's old home. Why?" He asked.

Kion: "I'm gonna kill him." He said casually.

Before any of them could respond, Kion left to Zira's old home. They decided to follow him and watch the fight. As they made their way to their destination, Kion asked Mayaba what other powers he now has.

You have strong elemental magic you can use. Plus you have immense physical strength, even more than Besthe, you are also even faster than Fuli, and better eyesight than Ono. Mayaba replied.

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