Chapter 7

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*The Next Day*

Joes Pov

I had already begun editing a new video for the channel. I had pranked Caspar again. Im surprised he hasnt decided to get a restraining order on me. Maybe he just loves me too much? I laughed to myself, editing a few more things before saving the final product.
"Thats saved me a few days of editing." I hummed, turning off my computer. I spun round on my desk chair before getting up, walking to the kitchen. As I was getting a glass of water, I checked my phone, seeing some messages from AJ.

AJ: Dude you need to calm your fans down.
AJ: Diannes in tears. Theyre being horrible to her!
Joe: Gimme a sec. Lemme find what theyre saying.

I went to twitter, seeing some angry tweets. People had been making up rumors based on the press articles and lets say the fans werent happy. I sighed.
"Another tweet." I muttered.

Joe Sugg: Enough is enough everyone! I have seen rumors going round about Dianne and it sickens me to know that some of you guys act like this towards my friends! This stops. Now

I tweeted, checking some of the comments.

User 1: I never believe the rumors! Im sorry xx
User 2: Ill try get people to stop
User 3: Didnt realise she meant this much to you
User 4: Were sorry Joe xx

I sighed, putting my phone in my pocket. I knew where the academy was, so I decided to walk up to it, check up on Dianne since I knew she wouldve been doing worse than AJ had described. I put on my coat, grabbing my keys before leaving the apartment.

While walking to the academy I bumped into a few fans. I took pictures with them, but what really made me smile was that they had told me they wanted to learn more about Dianne since theyd support any friend of mine. I thanked the girls, telling them Id see if she wanted to do a video. I continued my journey to the academy. When I got there I walked inside, seeing Neil and Kevin walking out.
"Oh hey guys." I smiled.
"Hey Joe." Neil said. "Im guessing youre coming for Dianne?"
"Yeah, do you know how she is?"
"Awful." Kevin sighed. "We've all tried making her feel better."
"I may know a way." I smiled. "Ill catch you guys later."
"See ya!" They said before continuing to walk away from the academy. I sighed, heading up to the dorms. I saw AJ leave a dorm. He held the door open for me. I thanked him before slowly walking in. I saw Janette and Katya comforting Dianne, who was wrapped in a blanket with a box of tissues. I sighed, catching Janettes attention. She got up, looking at Katya.
"Well leave you guys be." Katya said, the two walking to their dorms. I sat next to Dianne, putting a comforting arm round her.
"W-why do t-they hate me Joe?" She sobbed, wiping her eyes with a tissue.
"I dont know Di. I wish I did. I wish I could make them all stop." I pulled her into a hug, rubbing circles on her back.
"I-its l-like school all over again!" She sniffed. It broke my heart knowing my fans brought her back to some of the worst times of her life. I sighed, holding her closer.
"Hey hey, itll be okay." I cooed. "How about we go back to mine? We get everyone round, have a good game of mario kart." I smiled. "We forget about the hate. We just enjoy ourselves?"
"Id like that." She sniffed, smiling up at me.
"Lets go then." I said. She nodded, going and telling the girls she was going out before walking back to me, grabbing her dorm key off the side. She grabbed her coat, putting it on and putting the hood up. We walked out the academy, quickly walking back to mine so the press wouldnt catch us. Luckily they didnt, and when we got back I messaged the group chat, inviting everyone round.

Joe: Guys we have a red head to cheer up. Come over!
Byron: Dude Im already here.
Joe: Then come to the living room.
Mikey: Ill be there.
Caspar: Josh and I are coming.
Conor: No need to shout. Im coming
Jack: AJ and I are heading over now.
Joe: Course youre with AJ.
AJ: He loves me too much
Jack: I do.
Lauren: You two are gross. Im coming with ice cream.
Josh: Do I get some?
Lauren: If I have to give you some xx
Josh: You do.
Joe: You all make me cringe.

I turned off my phone sitting next to Dianne, who was playing with one of the remotes. Byron walked in, throwing a remote at me. I caught it, having a race with Dianne while we waited for everyone to arrive.

Once everyone got here we took it in turns to race, Dianne eating the ice cream that Lauren had brought, only putting it down when it was her turn to race.
"You gonna share?" Josh asked.
"Depends." Dianne hummed.
"Di you gotta share." Lauren smiled.
"Fine." She huffed, reluctantly giving the ice cream to Josh, who happily began to eat it.

Diannes POV

It was nice to have all my friends here. However I kept getting drawn towards Joe. Whenever I tried to distract myself I was drawn to him. I dont like him do I? Of course not! Hes over me anyway. He wouldnt date someone like me when he could have anyone he wanted. I sighed, watching Jack and Conor race each other. Jack one. AJ smiled, kissing his cheek before taking Jacks remote. Conor handed his to me and we decided to pick Rainbow Road. The race started, and I laughed as AJ got knocked off the track straight away. I got into first place, staying there the whole race.
"Nice one Di!" Joe smiled, high fiving me. We continued to all play until everyone started to leave. Byron walked back to his room, leaving Joe and I alone in the living room.
"You staying over again?"
"I guess." I smiled. We turned off the projector, heading up to Joes room. He gave me a hoodie and some clean boxers, watching me as I headed to the bathroom. I changed, leaving my clothes in a neat pile on the floor before walking back into his room. We both sat on his bed, not saying much until Joe broke the silence.
"I missed this." He whispered.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Having you sleeping in my arms every night. My bed felt empty without you. I-It still does." He whispered. I blushed deeply.
"I hated falling asleep alone. I felt unsafe." I whispered.
"You dont have to feel that way anymore." He put a hand on my cheek.
"Not when Im with you." I whispered, looking up at him. I smiled, both of us leaning in.

I guess I do still like him.



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