Chapter 48

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*One Month Later*

Diannes POV

I smiled, waking up in Joes arms. The past month had been stressful. The first half was spent helping Josh and Lauren while they grieved their unborn child. After things began to calm down, we began to see them smile again. I was surprised to see that Scarlett had helped them most throughout this time, always going to check up on them, bringing them small food shops each day so that they didnt need to worry about anything else. I knew Scarlett wanted to make it up to Lauren, however this wasnt just to make up for it, this was just an act of kindness. 

"What you thinking about babe?" Joe asked, knocking my out my deep thoughts.

"Nothing important." I smiled, kissing his cheek before throwing the duvet off myself, climbing out of bed, stretching and yawning. I giggled, feeling Joe wrap his arms round my waist.

"What time are we leaving today?" He asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Well the movie starts at 11, we are meeting at the cinema at 10:45, so we should leave at half past to get there on time." I smiled, leaning against him, enjoying the time I had in his arms before he moved then taking my hand as we walked downstairs. I sat down while he made up both cups of coffee, along with two bowls of cereal for breakfast. We ate decently quickly Joe washing up while I went to the bathroom and showered. Recently the weather had picked up, so I opted for some high waisted shorts and a white crop top. Once I showered I got dressed, applying some light makeup before leaving the bathroom, seeing Joe sat on the bed, already dressed. He smiled, kissing my cheek before walking into the bathroom, brushing his teeth before coming back out. 

"Ready to go?" I asked, smiling softly.

"Yep." Joe smiled, kissing my cheek again before we walked downstairs, putting on our shoes. Joe grabbed his keys, locking up before we left the apartment building, hand in hand. I held his hand a little tighter when a group of teenage girls came over, asking for pictures. I went to move out the way before one of them spoke.

"We want you in it too Dianne." She smiled, holding her arm out for a side hug. I smiled standing with her as Joe took the picture on one of their phones.

"Thank you." They squealed hugging us again before walking off. I smiled brightly, having never been included in any of the pictures fans want with Joe, normally being the one to take them. Joe smiled kissing my forehead, the two of us continuing the walk to the cinema. Once we got there, we realised we were the last people to arrive.

"Finally decided to show up." Jack rolled his eyes, Conor gently hitting him. 

"Sorry, some fans wanted a picture." Joe explained, Jack nodding.

"Well are we heading in? I love Disney so Im not missing any of this film." AJ giggled, dragging Jack inside. We all followed after, Josh pulling Lauren into a gentle hug before walking behind us all. I smiled up at Joe, Chloe taking the tickets out her bag. The man at the screening room door rolled his eyes, scanning the large amount of tickets we had brought for everyone. Nayida giggled, thanking the man as her and Caspar walked in last, all of us taking up the top isle of the screening room. I took my seat, Joe on one side, Lauren the other. Scarlett passed down the drinks and bags of sweets she had purchased before today, each of us getting a drink and bag each. I smiled, turning my phone off, the light dimming as the adverts started, the film beginning after. 

*2 Hours Later*

"That film was amazing!" AJ smiled, holding Jack's hand as we left the cinema.

"I have to agree, it was a good film." Lauren smiled.

"Conor started singing along at some points." Chloe giggled, kissing him on the cheek. "You're good at singing."

"Id hope he was, it is his job afterall." Jack sniggered, AJ giggling.

"How am I related to you?"

"I dont think you are." Jack said, putting an arm round his brothers shoulders as a joke, Conor rolling his eyes. I laughed, Joe pulling me closer to his side, kissing my forehead. We began to walk home, everyone slowly splitting off to head their own ways back.

"Did you enjoy the film baby?" Joe asked, looking down at me.

"I did. You know I love Disney." I smiled as we walked into the apartment building, heading up to Joes place.

"I know you do. Your eyes lit up from beginning to end." He said, making me blush.

He truly was my prince charming.

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