Chapter 24

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*The Next Day*

Diannes POV

The story of the attack yesterday had spread like wildfire through the news and mainly Joes fandom. I had received so many messages from people making sure I was alright, however I did get the few hateful messages. I sighed, putting my phone down, leaning against the pillows on the sofa, smiling at the comfort. I pulled the blanket over my fragile body, closing my eyes, listening to whatever show was on the TV. I didnt fall asleep, I was just trying to take my mind off the pain that ran through my body. It hurt like hell. However I had felt worse before. My eyes opened when I heard the dokr unlock, Joe walking in with a bag.
"What did you buy?" I asked softly, staying in the same position.
"A few things." He smiled, handing me a bar of chocolate. I smiled, slowly sitting up. Joe helped me sit up, making sure I was comfortable before cuddling with me. I smiled, leaning against him.
"Zoe messaged me earlier." He said softly. "She was making sure youre okay."
"I hurt a little. Other than that Im fine." I said quietly. I checked my phone, seeing that Scarlett had sent me a message on instagram. I tilted my head a little, unlocking my phone and reading the message.

Scarlett: Hey Dianne, I was checking up on you to see if youre okay.
Dianne: Thank you Scarlett. Im okay x
Scarlett: Thats good. Want me to come over later?
Dianne: Sure, Ill send you the adress.
Scarlett: Thanks, Ill see you later x

"Scarletts coming over later." I said, looking up at Joe.
"The others are coming over too. She will be able to finally apologise then." He said. I smiled and nodded.
"Im glad she was able to change. Its nice to see her good side." I said. Joe smiled and kissed my forehead.
"It is. However theyll be over soon and you need to go get dressed."
"Carry me?" I pouted. Joe nodded, being careful when carrying me so he didnt hurt me. He sat me down on his bed, taking some of my clothes out his wardrobe and handing them to me before leaving the room. I got changed, brushing my hair before looking in the mirror. Luckily my clothes covered my bruises so I looked fine. I slowly walked to the door, walking out.
"Joe?" I called, screaming when he made me jump.
"Gotcha!" He laughed, pulling me into a gentle hug.
"Youre mean." I pouted, hearing the door open.
"Im home!" Byron called.
"Thats nice." Joe said back, Byron laughing a little. We walked downstairs, finding him in the kitchen, looking through the fridge.
"Nice of you to make lunch for us all Byron." I laughed slightly.
"Nicer than Joe." He said back, Joe gasping.
"Im a lovely person!" Joe said.
"You werent 11 years ago." I hummed.
"We dont talk about that." Joe frowned. I kissed him gently, feeling him smile.
"Keep it PG kids." Byron said, handing us both our lunch. We all ate in silence, and while I was sorting out the dishes there was a knock at the door. Joe walked over, Scarlett waiting outside.
"Come in." He smiled, Scarlett walking in and looking around. 
"This place is amazing." She laughed slightly, seeing me and walking over. "I brought you these." She handed me some flowers.
"They're beautiful. Thank you." I gave her a gently hug before finding a vase to put them in. We all sat down on the sofa, talking about anything that came up.

Scarletts POV

I regret everything I did back at school. Diannes really nice. I guess I was just full of jealousy. At least I was making things better now. We all continued to talk until there was another knock at the door. Joe got up, Dianne placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Youll be okay." She said reassuringly. I nodded, seeing the rest of their group walk in. They all looked at me. AJ and Jack proceeded to say hello before sitting down. The others soon followed however one didnt move.
"What is she doing here?" Lauren scoffed, staring daggers at me.
"I came here to see Dianne-"
"Why would you care about her? Last time I checked you were trying to steal her man."
"Lauren Ive changed."
"What a load of bullshit." She snapped. Josh stood up, putting an arm round her to try calm her down.
"Lauren Ive change. Im sorry for everything I did-"
"But youre not sorry are you!" She snapped, causing me to look down at my lap. "If you were sorry you wouldve apologised a long time ago. You wouldnt have even done it!"
"I know I was wrong." I stood up, walking over to her. "But maybe we could start anew?"
"Why would I-"
"Lauren how about we give her a chance hey?" Josh said soothingly, rubbing her shoulders gently. She seemed to relax a lot under his touch. You never say the sweeter side of Lauren. She always had a tough girl act up.
"Okay." She said quietly. She seemed to change suddenly, cuddling up to Josh. It was sweet. They sat down, all of us quiet until Dianne sneezed.
"Bless you." Joe laughed, kissing her forehead. I looked at them, laughing a little before looking at AJ and Jack.
"So hows the wedding coming along?"
"How did you know?"
"Its all over the media AJ." I laughed, watching him go red.
"Forgot about that." He muttered, Jack laughing slightly, pulling AJ onto his lap.

Laurens POV

I still didnt know why she was here. I told Josh we would give her a chance but I hated her. I fucking hated her. Causing night of crying myself to sleep. Making each day worse than it was because of her tourment. Now she waltzs in like she owns the place. I think not. No matter how much they like her it will take a whole lot more to change my mind.



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