Chapter 23

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Warning: Public Abuse, Arrest.
(Idea from @sugglet.buswell on Instagram)

*The Next Day*

Diannes POV

Janette, Katya, Lauren, Stacey and I were sat in Staceys living room. Four of us were squealing about Stacey getting with Kevin, howeven Lauren wasnt there girly type was she? We looked over at her.
"Come on Lauren!" I laughed, getting up and looking over her shoulder, awwing. She tired to hide her phone from me but she wasnt quick enough.
"Whats so cute?" Katya asked.
"Someones been asked on a very romantic date. So when did you plan on telling us?" I asked, Lauren blushing.
"I-I dont know." She said quietly. "You guys know Im not that lovey."
"You sure?" Katya smirked, sitting next to Lauren, tickling her side a little. She squirmed a little and before she knew it all of us were tickling her.
"Stop!" She laughed, getting away from us, running and locking herself in Staceys bathroom.
"Come out Lauren!" Stacey giggled.
"Then I guess we will have to message Josh and cancel the date since you left your phone out here!" Katya laughed.
"No!" The door unlocked and she poked her head round. "If you dont tickle me, Ill tell you about my oh so interesting love life." She huffed. I laughed, opening the door properly, dragging her to the sofa. We all sat down, Lauren talking.
"So it was never that interesting. On camera and out in public we don't seem as lovey. Like a normal happy couple. Which we are dont think any different." She said. "Off camera, its different."
"Dont tell me your secret love life is all 50 shades?" Stacey gasped.
"No no no no no." Lauren quickly got rid of that idea. "More like a bunch of cuddles, kisses and a lot of ice cream." She laughed. "When were at home were a lot cuter. Like Joe and Dianne." She said, making me blush.
"Pretty much every night is like a movie night unless we go out. Its spent cuddling, just enjoying each otherw company. We dont really like sharing much of it on camera as we both like to keep that side of our relationship private."
"This question has to be asked." I said, getting everyones attention. "Do you still make little jokey comments about being an athlete to him? You know the savage ones?"
"Oh yes. All the time." She laughed. "Hes gotten used to it now, he does the same when I try work his camera. Im useless." She laughed. We laughed along, soon stopping when my phone started ringing.
"One second." I got up, picking up.

Dianne: Hey baby.
Joe: Hey Di, where are you right now?
Dianne: Im at Staceys, whys that?
Joe: Wanna meet up at the Costa?
Dianne: Sounds good to me. Ill be there soon
Joe: See you there babe, Bye.
Dianne: Bye.

I hung up, looking back at the girls. "Sorry to cut this cute girly moment short but Joes asked me to meet up with him." I said.
"Tell us everything later?" Janette asked.
"Obviously." I smiled, putting my shoes on. "Bye girls."
"Bye!" They smiled before going back to their conversation.

While walking to the cafe I bumped into someone.
"Sorry I-" I froze.


It cant be.

I gulped, looking my aunt in the eyes. She smirked, grabbing my wrist.
"Long time no see. Not happy to see me?" She snapped, gripping my wrist a lot harder. I tried pulling my arm away however she pulled me into an alley way coming from the street we were on. She threw me to the floor and before I could get up she kicked my side. I wasnt able to shout out for help, the cruel lady continuing to kick me, bruising my fragile body. However someone saw. A girl around by age ran over with two of her friends, pulling my aunt off me. One of them held her down, another calling 999 for the police and ambulance and the last girl comforting me. What shocked me the most? Who it was. I tried to get away from her however she calmed me.
"Dont worry. Im better now, I wont hurt you." Scarlett soothed. I nodded, my body shaking as I lent against her.

The police and ambulance soon came and I was checked over while my aunt was thrown into the back of a police car.
"Nothing seems broken." The paramedic said. "You do have some seriohs bruises coming up." I nodded, glancing around. I looked to the end of the alley way, Joe standing there horrifed. He ran over, kneeling down next to me.
"What happened?" He asked, unaware that the press had chased him, taking pictures of the scene.
"This young lady was being attacked by a relative."
"M-my aunt." I coughed, leaning against Joe. He helped me up, following me as I walked over to Scarlett and her friends. "T-thank you." I sniffed. Joe looked down at them, narrowing his eyes.
"Joe is that you?" Scarlett asked. He nodded. "Scarlett?" He asked, putting a protective arm round me.
"S-she helped me." I said, looking up at Joe. "Theyre nice now..." I looked back at her, pulling her into a gentle hug so I didnt hurt myself. She smiled and carefully hugged back.
"Im sorry for everything I did back in school." She said softly. "If I could go back I wouldnt have done what I did. I was a bad person and-"
"Its okay." Joe smiled. "We forgive you."
"Thank you. If its possible to apologise to Lauren as well Id be greatful."
"We will pass on the message but Lauren is a tough cookie. Itll take a lot to get through to her." I smiled. Scarlet nodded.
"Id expect that from her." She said. "Anyway, we should get going. Hopefully Ill see you guys soon." She smiled before leaving with her friends. I looked up at Joe and smiled, the two of us heading back to his, ignoring the questions asked by the press, knowing that soon this would be all over the media.


Go follow @sugglet.buswell on Instagram for giving me the amazing idea xx

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