11. speck of dust

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We had been sitting on the rock for about two hours—just talking and sharing anecdotes—when my phone began buzzing. I stopped mid-sentence and excused myself, pulling out my phone from my purse to see missed calls from Rakhi and Mitali. It didn't take a genius to know that they were probably drunk or close to it. Rakhi had always been the sensible one amongst us, and Mitali the wildest. While Rakhi contemplated over her decisions—weighing the pros and cons, Mitali dived in headfirst.

I lay somewhere in between the two extremes although I supposed I was more like Mitali.

Sighing, I called them back—preparing myself for their assault. Even over the phone, Mitali could be as assertive as she was in person. I waited for a few rings before growing impatient and cutting the call. Just then a message arrived from the devil:

How's sexyyy non-date goinngfgsjg?!

I growled softly at the message. Beside me, Akash laughed. "You're like a little tiger cub."

I glanced at him with contempt before looking down at my phone again. I honestly didn't know what to reply so I just shut my phone and stuffed it inside my purse again.

"You have to go?" Akash asked.

"Hmm.. I don't know actually. I guess it'd be better if we head back in sometime. They've probably lost it already." I chuckled softly. "Besides, we've got an early flight tomorrow. Honestly though, why do we have an early flight tomorrow."

"Lapse in judgement, I guess."

"Your friend is a shit planner," I grumbled, then considered what I'd said. "No offence."

He laughed again—that deep throaty laugh that left me shivering. "None taken. I'll pass on the feedback though."

"Aren't you gonna introduce him anyway. I'll tell him myself."

I sounded tired and grumpy. Despite the high I felt whenever I talked to Akash, I didn't have it in me to continue the conversation. I probably wouldn't have realised just how tired I was if I hadn't glanced at the time on my phone. It was close to midnight and way past my bedtime. Well my normal bedtime anyway. The thought of waking up early the next day repulsed me.

"Honestly though," I began after a few seconds of silence. "People are bound to get drunk tonight. Why the hell would you book an early flight?"

"I can see the diva popping out of that introverted shell you live in." Akash joked.

I pouted and turned to face the sky. Fine. Maybe I was a little tipsy after a few drinks. We'd upgraded from beer after our first can and now my thoughts were all over the place. It didn't help that my conversation with Jack still loomed over my head, and that I'd had a few cocktails before this. I should've just stopped the girls from forcing me to drink before coming.

Despite the fact that it was really late, the music was still on. The market had closed down and the lights extinguished, but people were still raving near the stage. It was such a contrast from where Akash and I were seated. We couldn't hear them, but occasionally the shrieks reached us—faintly. "I'm sorry you couldn't go with your friends today." I apologised, looking pointedly towards the source of the music.

Akash shook his head. "It's no problem, Sara." My name rolled off his tongue and I wanted him to say it again. And again. And again.

Preferably while we were naked in bed.

Okay, I was definitely more than just a little tipsy. I set down my drink and pushed it away from me. At least I still had enough rational thought to do that.

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