~ They confess/ask you out ~

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*Kokichi barges through the door* Explain yourself.

Kiwi: Wat

Kokichi: Why are you jumping straight into them asking Reader-chan out?!

Kiwi: Well eveyone basically realized feelings in the last two scenarios so. Deal with it.

Kokichi: Hmph. Weird.

Kiwi: Thank you for the compliment. Now leave.

*Cockichi walks out the door, annoyed*          

Makoto Naegi
3rd person

You leaded against a tree in the park where you and Makoto first met. It was calm, children occasionally walked past, as well as some couples. You looked around for the brunette, getting slightly impatient.

"E... Excuse me?" A small blone haired child pulled on your sleeve, causing you to look down at her. She was wearing a pink sweater, and had a cute music note skirt that went to her knees. "W... Where is the garden...?" She asked, shyly.

You smiled, "I can talk you if you want. Where's your parents?"

"I don't know... I went to get some water and then, poof! They were gone!" She made a small explosion with her hands, her little ahoge bouncing.

(Y/N)'s POV

I smiled sweetly, "They might be at the garden then! Follow me!" I lead the girl to the beautiful garden, completely forgetting about meeting with Makoto. As we got closer, the wonderful colors of the different flowers started to fill the empty grass.

Then, I saw someone in the middle of the garden area, under an array of cherry blossoms. I brought the girl with me, expecting to see a family member of hers. She noticed the... guy... and ran up to him, pointing at me while bouncing.

"Okay, Kaede-chan, go play for now." The almost familiar voice of the male sait, pointing to a small playground nearby.

She nodded before running off, watching from the swings.

Apon closer inspection, I was suprised by seeing the very familiar face of, "Makoto?"

He smiled, his cheeks turning a really bright red, "H... Hey, (Y/N)-chan! N... Nice to see you m... made it!"

I smiled, walking closer to him, "So why did you call me here?"

He looked away, playing with the string from his jacket. "W... Well I.... wanted to t... tell you t... that....." He looked back at me, taking a deep breath, "I... like you... A lot.... and I was... wondering if.... you maybe wanted to.... go out with me sometime?" He mumbled, the blush on his face becoming a darker shade of red.

I didn't really know what do, my face started to grow completely red, "Makoto... I...."

He looked at me, awaiting an answer with slightly hopeful eyes.

"Of course I will. I.... Like you too...." I smiled sweetly, moving an irritating strand of hair out of my face.

He smiled brightly before looking nervous again, "C... Can I hug you?"

I giggled, hugging him. He hugged back, wrapping his arms around my waist, while I put my arms around his neck. It was like that for about a minute. A minute of joy, and smiles.

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