Reacting to your execution

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Kiwi- *sniffling* If... I die.... from crying... tell... Kokichi... he was a little shit.... and.... Shuichi.... was best boi who didn't deserve to watch kayayde, kayaydie. And also tell Anime_441 I finally managed to finish this request.... Thank u......

Hiruma- this is going to be a long day...

Kiwi- you aren't supposed to be here!

Makoto Naeggy
3rd person

Makoto finished up the summary of Sayaka's murder (I'm keeping her dead cuz I don't like her) fighting back tears as he pointed to (Y/N) with a quivering finger, "(Y/N) (L/N), the ultimate (U/T), killed Saiyaka!"

The person in question looked down, a weak smile quivering on her lips.

"Are you gonna defend yourself or what?! Don't just stand there!" Toko growled.

(Y/N) looked up, tears running down their cheeks, "What... what can I say? I see no mistake.... that's.... that's what happened...."

Makoto ran up to the tearful student, hugging them tightly, "No! No! I refuse to believe it! Please tell me there was some mistake!!!"

They wrapped their arms around Makoto, not minding he was crying on their shoulder... it wouldn't matter for long anyway.

"Monokuma!! You have to let this one slide!! They did it out of self defense, you can't execute them!!!" Aoi barked, angerly glaring at the monochromatic bear.

"'Fraid I can't do that! That's against the trial rules! They must be executed! Speaking of-"

"PLEASE!!! NO!!! (Y/N) you can't!!!! You can't leave me!!! I won't allow it!!!" Makoto begged, tears streaming down his face.

"Makoto.... I.... I love you.... do me a favor.... and end this game once and for all." (Y/N) gave Makoto one last smile.

"READY OR NOT, IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!!!!" Monokuma laughed as Makoto continued to beg for him to spare his lover's life.

Monokuma jumped up into the air, pushing a big red button and starting the execution. Makoto screaming for them as they were dragged away.

Makoto cried silently as he was forced to watch them die, holding in the wave of tears he wanted to let out all at once. He looked away from your lifeless body, afaid the image will scar his mind permanently, but even if he didn't see it, that night, it didn't stop him from endlessly crying into his pillow.

'I have to end this killing game.... for them. He thought, finally crying himself to sleep.

(I feel bad because I want to cry but I'm physically incapable of doing so.)

Chihiro Fujisaki (MY CHILD NO-)

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I don't want to believe it. Naegi said (Y/N) was Maizono's killer.... but that can not be the case! There's no way that was the case!!

"N- No! That's n... not... true...." Tears slowly made down (Y/N)'s red cheeks, their eyes becoming cloudy.

"Naegi! There must be some mistake! I won't believe (Y/N) will ever murder anyone!" I protested, I felt my eyes well up with tears.

"You ignorant fool." Togami growled, crossing his arms while glaring at me, "Were you not listening? All the evidence points to them."

"I..... I can't..... I don't want to..... I didn't want to...." (Y/N) mumbled, putting their hands where their heart is.

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