The First Date!

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Kiwi: I love that picture so much.

Makoto Naegi
(Y/N)'s POV

I paced back and forth around my room, Kiyoko digging around in my closet.

"(Y/N), you seriously have nothing good... not even something a little nicer?" She flipped through all the tee-shirts and occasional cosplays I had all hanging up in my closet.

"Geez.... I asked for help... not to be criticized...." I sighed, as I was looking through my dressers.

"Ah ha!" Kiyoko turned around with a small smile on her calm face. She was holding a formal, yet causual, open shoulder top that you could already tell was going to show a bit of cleavage.

She tossed the shirt at me, and I grabbed the jeans I chose earlier. I went into my bathroom and changed, being correct about the small amount of cleavage being shone, and brushing my (H/C) hair.

I walked out, a semi-confident smile on my face, and sweat starting to form. "Do I look okay?"

She gave a thumbs up, drinking some of the coffee she brought with her from Starbucks. She left soon after, wishing me luck and telling me to have fun.

Knock knock!

I looked up, walking to the door and opening it cautiously. "Hello?" I opened my apartment door wider seeing Makoto, wearing something close to his normal attire.

"H... Hello, (Y... Y/N)! You look... r... really nice!!" He stuttered, a nervous smile forming on his lips.

I smiled kindly, "Thank you, Makoto! You look really nice yourself!"

He blushed, grabbing my hand and leading me outside.

We were walking for a while, until we finally made it to a museum. But not just any museum, a museum on (favorite topic)!

I was starting to get really excited, I looked at Makoto with stars in my eyes, and he smiled.

We walked around the museum and I informed him all about (F/T), while he nodded, clearly not understanding any of it.

Then, we both went to (Favorite Restaurant) and had a pretty good time.

Hajime Hinata (this one is sooo bad)
3rd person

SHSL Sleeper: (Y/N), please calm down. You're going to be fine.

You: Chiaki that is waaaay harder than you make it out to be.

SHSL Sleeper: Really....? I manage to keep calm all the time?

You: Because you never sleep! You're always tired because you're always staying up all night playing video games!!!

SHSL Sleeper: Animal Crossing is always worth it.

You: Chiaki what the heck...

SHSL Sleeper: I have no regrets, now go have fun. And text me when it's over.

(Y/N) sighed, putting their phone in their bag while standing. They then waddled to the kitchen, fixing their shirt.

As (Y/N) was eating a bit of cheeze in the corner, a knock came from the other side of the door. (Y/N) stood up lazily, and put the snack away before opening the door and seeing a calm Hajime.

"Oh, hello Hajime! How are you?" They asked, internally having a mental breakdown.

He smiled weakly, "Good!" He then looked to the side slightly, "A... Are you ready?"

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