Special Scenario!!!!

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Kiwi- HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE- *Kiwi.EXE has stopped working*

Makoto Naegi
(Y/N)'s POV

The morning before, Makoto had asked me to come to the park with him for a little walk, since his sister was at a friend's house and his parents were out of town for the weekend. That basically brings us to now, Makoto and I walking side by side on the sidewalk talking like old friends.

"It's a really pretty day out today, don't you agree?" I asked, looking up at the sky.

He mumbled something in response, that I couldn't quite make out.

"What was that?" I asked kindly

"Not as pretty as you..." Makoto mumbled louder to where I could hear.

I giggled, a pink blush dusting my face. "Awww!! Makoto!!" I practically squealed, "Who'd you learn that from?"

"S... Sayaka....." He responded quietly.

I giggled, "You're so cute Makoto!"

He smiled nervously, our eyes meeting.

"Oh! That reminds me! I have a special spot I want to show you!" I intertwined our fingers to where we were holding hands and led him to a gazebo. There was a lake nearby that made the surroundings even more beautiful.

Makoto looked at the lake in wonder and amazement, showing he's probably never been here before.

He turned towards me a bright smile forming on his lips, "This is wonderful, (Y/N)! How did you find this?"

"I would come here when I'm upset, I don't remember vividly my first encounter with this gazebo.... but I know I have a lot of memories here. I really wanted to share my happy place with someone." I answered, returning his smile.

The sun was setting, causing the view to look even more beautiful. We sat down, my head leaning on his shoulder as we watched the sunset.

He looked nervous for a while, muttering to himself or just avoiding eye contact, which I thought was pretty weird. I shrugged it off at first, but when we both were about to leave, it became more evident he was really nervous about something.

"Makoto...? Are you alright?" I asked, calmly smiling at him.

He took a deep breath, "(Y/N)... Thank you for showing me this... I had a great time with you... and I...."

I inched closer to him, pulling him into a hug. He hugged back, hesitantly, but eventually relaxed. I looked up at him and smiled, our faces only a few inches apart.

He then shyly put his lips against mine, making both mine and Makoto's heart beat quicken. I put my arms around his neck, kissing him back closing my eyes while doing so.

He pulled back and I did as well. I rested my head on his chest, smiling as I knew he was a blushing mess. God, I love him...

Chihiro Fujisaki
(Y/N)'s POV

"Chihiro! You're too cute!" I squealed, watching as Chihiro nervously covered his flustered face.

"(Y-Y/N)," he whined attempting to hide behind a door, "Why...."

"WHY. NOT!" I smiled, clapping my hands together successfully, "I would say you make a great Oliver!"

"Why did I have to be Oliver though..." He mumbled, hiding his face with the sailor's hat placed loosely on his head.

"Because Oliver is a cinnamon roll and you're a cinnamon roll and yes," I said quickly.

He frowned a bit, looking in the mirror one more time, "Why did you make me cosplay again?"

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