Chapter 7

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*Newt POV*
It was the morning after Stiles started getting mad at us. I don't know what was wrong with him, but today, right now Minho and I are going Stiles and wake him up. We need him to know we care, he's obviously had a hard past.

I once heard him say that he has ADHD and anxiety. Also when Alby mentioned his mom Stiles got upset, I'm pretty sure she's dead. Minho and I began walking to where Stiles was once sleeping, I could see Chuck laying the ground but no Stiles. "Where is he?" Minho wispered quietly. "I don't know," I said, looking around.

I nudged Chuck, and he groaned. "Have you seen Stiles?" I asked him. "I haven't seen him since he came back." Chuck said. "From where?" I asked him. "Oh, he came back in the middle of the night, and when I woke up he told me to go back to sleep." Chuck said. "Ok thanks Chuck." I said. He just nodded in reply and closed his eyes.

Minho and I spent the next 2 hours looking for Stiles, but had no luck. When the gladers all woke up I told them they had a break from their jobs, and had to help us find Stiles. Most of them were thrilled to be taking a break but some just shrugged and walked away. Before we searched we all went to breakfast. Where are you Stiles?

*Stiles POV*
I can't take it anymore. I don't wanna be in this place anymore, it's driving me crazy. I want to talk to someone about everything. Not only about Scott's message but about what's been going on with me. I've been having panic attacks more frequently, and I need someone to talk to.

I want to get back home so badly, but I feel like I'll be stuck here forever. So now I'm sitting in the very back of the forest, leaning on a maze wall, crying. I heard footsteps near by, but I didn't care. Whoever it is, is probably going to get a slap to the face. I feel like whenever someone comes near me I go defensive mode and start yelling at them. I feel bad for whoever is approaching.

*Newt POV*
From what I know I about Stiles, I know that if he wants to be alone he will go to the place farthest away from everyone else. There is only one place farthest from where the gladers are other than the maze, the forest.

I trudged into the very back of the forest. It was surprisingly quiet and peaceful. Then I heard it, a small sniffle from nearby. I walked forward and saw Stiles leaning on the maze wall, with tears falling down his face.

I felt bad for him, I didn't know what had happened but it must have been bad. I walked towards him and he looked up at me. Suddenly he lunged at me, I expected him to tackle me to the ground, and beat me up. But, I was surprised when he wrapped me in a tight hug, at first I was shocked then I hugged him back. He's definitely been through a lot.

*Stiles POV*
Newt looked pretty surprised, actually REALLY surprised. I actually surprised myself too, I wasn't in the mood to get mad. "You ok?" Newt asked me. I searched his eyes and there was a hint of real worry in there.

"I'm fi-" I started, but he stopped me. "Don't you dare say 'I'm fine' because anyone would be able to tell you're not fine." He said. I smiled a little at that, I liked that he didn't listen to my excuses like most other people. When he saw a smile forming on my face, he smiled too. And that's when I decided I was going to tell them everything.

After a silent walk back to the homestead, we grabbed Minho, and we sat down. "Ok, start talking," Minho said, with a small smirk on his face. I knew what he wanted me to say.

Newt notices our share in thoughts and look at us with a puzzled expression. "You need to ask me something, idiot." I replied. We both burst out laughing, and Newt still just sat there confused. It reminded of the first day I got here. I decided to have some extra sarcasm that day. I annoyed Alby so bad that he stopped talking to me. I can't wait to see his face when cured from the sting and realizes that I'm the one who saved his life.

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