Chapter 10

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*Stiles POV*
Everyone thinks I'm going insane. That my memories are driving me crazy. All the gladers treat me like a baby, like I'm going to collapse at any moment. They always say 'get some rest' but that seems impossible to me. It's like sleep is 100 miles.

They think I've finally cracked, that I can't handle being here anymore. But they don't know what happened before the maze. They don't know that anyone who knew what happened in Beacon Hills would easily believe me.

The gladers force me to stay in the homestead and try to get some sleep. I don't even attempt to close my eyes though. Newt and Minho come in and check on me once in a while. When they see me awake they just sigh, and I see a look of sadness in their eyes.

I knew that they would think I was strange for acting the way I did. But I didn't know they would do this. I don't know what to do at this point. They make it seem like I've lost my mind, but I know it's not true.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore, and I got up and stormed out of the homestead. When everyone saw me, a crowd formed around me and Newt and Minho stepped forward. "Stiles, What are you doing?" Minho asked, a little too harshly for my liking.

"I'm sick of everyone thinking I'm insane." I said, trying to keep my cool. I know that yelling like a lunatic isn't going to help me. "We don't think your insane." Newt said. "Do you guys think I'm an idiot?" I said, dumbfounded by the fact that he thinks I didn't notice.

"You all look at me like I'm going to fall apart at any moment. You all get nervous around me, like I'm going to randomly punch you in face or something! Oh yeah, did I mention the part about you guys isolating me in a room, keeping me away from everyone?" I said, my voice raising.

I took a deep breath. I'm not crazy, I thought. I looked at all the teens gathered around me, they all had the same look in their eyes. Sympathy. They felt bad for me, but they didn't know the truth, about Beacon Hills, about the super natural, about anything.

"Do you guys even know what's happened in the outside world for the last three years?" I said. At that everyone froze. "Exactly, you don't, you don't know anything about what has happened for the last 3 years. For all you know aliens could have invaded the planet by now!" I said. In a gruff voice Minho said, "We'll talk about this later." And then he walked away, followed by the other gladers.


After my whole "out burst", Newt told me to go back to the homestead. This place kind of reminds me of Eichen House. I'm forced to stay locked in a room, I stay up all night staring out the window, and everyone around me seems partially insane.

After I woke up, or never mind, after the gladers woke up, I jumped up and headed strait outside to talk to Newt. He was probably the least insane of everyone, plus he's second in command, well first since Alby's  still recovering.

I spotted him across the field and jogged towards him. He had his back towards me so I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, and when he saw me, he looked he was going to say something like, 'Go to sleep Stiles' or 'I told you to stay in your room!' Before he could say anything though, I stopped him, "Newt listen to me," I said. "You guys need to hear me out. We all know that I'm probably your only chance of escaping."

Newt rolled his eyes. "Just stop it Stiles." He said.  I threw my hand up in frustration, "What do you not understand? You guys don't know what's happened for the past 3 years. And trust me a lot has changed." Newt just stood there, I could tell he was considering the possibility that I wasn't crazy. He crossed his arms, "Ok then tell me, what's happened in the past 3 years," He said, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed, "I can't." Newt stared at me, "What do you mean 'you can't?" "I mean I can't tell you." I replied. "What do you mean?!" He said again. "I. Can. Not. Tell. You." I said blankly. "Why not?" He asked.

At least he finally asked a different question. "I have a lot of reasons. Should I go through the list? I think I should." I began, he was really getting on my nerves. "Number one: I don't want to tell you. Number two: You guys would think I'm even more insane. Number three: I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Number four: It's too long of a story to explain. Number five: It-" Newt waved his hand in my face, "Ok get get it!" He yelled.

I smiled smugly at him. "You have the rest of the day to make your decision. Either you still pretend I'm insane and never find a way out of here. Or you could trust me and possibly find a way out." I said. I looked at him one more time, then I walked away.

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