After the show

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Your POV

"Girls who are boys
Who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they're girls
Who do girls like they're boys
Always should be someone you really loveeee!"
A cheeky wink from my boyfriend caught my eye as he pranced around on stage with the boys.
I am currently standing backstage, watching Blur perform and I just so happen to be dating a certain lead singer. Let's just say, it's definitely the most amazing but crazy experience of my life.
My train of thought was cut off by Damon and the boys running off stage and I realised the concert was over.
"Hello love, did you enjoy the show?" Damon asked walking up to me with a smirk on his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Of course..I mean did you see Alex on that bass, he really made the whole thing worth watching."
I teased him earning a giggle from Alex, Graham and Dave in the background.
Damon's smile dropped as he pouted slightly and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm kidding you twat, you were incredible" Leaning up, I smile and gently peck his lips. His cheeky smirk returned and he buried his head in my neck before sighing and realising we all had to get going.
"Right, let's head off." He whispered giving my waist a squeeze and getting all his stuff.
We made our way outside and got a lift back to his flat. He gripped my hand as we climbed the stairs to the 8th floor and Damon unlocked the door and instantly collapsed on the couch.
"I'm shattered" he mumbled
"I can tell" I said moving his head so I could sit down and he could rest his head on my lap.
We sat like this for ages, my fingers brushing through his soft hair as he lay half asleep, he looked so peaceful. Once I knew he was 100% asleep I got up and lay a blanket over him, making sure he was some what comfy on the shitty couch.
"Goodnight Dames" I whisper, kissing his forehead.

A/N - hi hope you liked this, you can request things if you want to x

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