Hello love

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Your POV

I sighed and trudged my way down the corridor to my next lesson. I joined my new school last week and I still don't really have any friends. Sad, I know. Walking in, I get ready to receive at least 30 pairs of eyes stare and judge me for being the new girl.
"Okay everyone settle down, this is our new student so treat her nicely please" The teacher announces then took me to my desk. I set down my bag and coat then slumped back in the uncomfortable chair as the lesson began. Suddenly, a voice sounded from next to me.
I turned my head to the right to see a boy. His hair was a dirty blonde mop on the top of his head, while being so unkept, it still suited him well. His eyes were bright and blue and a cheeky, toothy smirk was plastered onto his lips and I could tell he was a bit of a troublemaker.
"Hello love" he whispered over to me.
"Hi" I smiled back, trying to be as nice as possible.
"Welcome to hell" he giggled making me playfully roll my eyes.
"Just kidding. I'm Damon, Damon Albarn" he said, holding his hand out. I shook his hand and told him my name.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you" he said.
"You too Damon" I replied then went back to actually paying attention to the lesson. The bell rang and we all made our way out and to lunch.
"So how did you find your first English lesson here?" A deep voice asked. It was Damon.
"Well, I met a nice lad during it so,overall, it was good" I teased. We walked to lunch together while talking and getting to know each other.
"Hello Damon, this your new bird?" Someone questioned, throwing an arm over Damon's shoulder.
"Piss off Graham, this is the new girl" He explained and I smiled at this 'Graham' boy. We all sat together for lunch and that continued all the way through the rest of high school. And that is how I met the one and only Damon Albarn.

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