The Brits

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1995, The Brit Awards

Your POV

"And the award goes to..."
I grip Damon's hand as we are about to find out who won the Brit.
He doesn't look nervous, in fact he looks like he hasn't got a care in the world but I can tell he really wants to win this, after all, he deserves it.
The boys and I stand up and Damon quickly pulls me into a bone crushing hug.
"I love you"
"Love you too"
He pecks my lips as he leads the band on stage to receive the award.
I smile when he takes the award and talks into the microphone. He begins his speech.
"And finally I just want to thank my bloody amazing girlfriend the one who keeps me going and the one who I cannot live without, thank you love" he blows me a kiss and smile so big my cheeks hurt. Everyone claps as the boys walk back to where we were sitting.
"Oh Damon" I whisper and pull him into a hug.
"Couldn't of done it without you" he grins resting his forehead on mine.
"Oi, what about us?!" Graham pipes up.
"What about you?" Damon replies.
"Wow, that hit me right there" Graham sighs dramatically pointing to his heart. Dave and Alex laugh and pat Graham on the back.
-time skip-
We make it home and by the end of the night Blur was nominated 5 times and won 4 of them and, honestly, I've never been more proud.
"Dames, I'm so so so proud of you" I whisper and wrap my arms around his neck as we enter the flat.
"Thank you darling" He places his hands on my hips and with his lips on mine giving me a passionate kiss.

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