when ur gay and u wipe ur ass

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jason: whizzer
jason: I have an important question

whizzer: okay what is it


whizzer: oh whizzer: okay

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whizzer: oh
whizzer: okay

jason: well is it???

whizzer: yeah sure its gay

jason: goddamn it
jason: no girls gonna hook up with me if I'm gay

whizzer: no shit

jason: she'll think all I do is stick my dick in other dudes dick

cordelia: I dont think that's how it works but okay



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marvin: 💕💕💕💕💕

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marvin: 💕💕💕💕💕

cordelia: when ur gay and u wipe ur ass

charlotte: when ur gay and u wipe ur ass

jason: when ur gay and u wipe ur ass

whizzer: when ur gay and u wipe ur ass

marvin: when ur gay and u wipe ur ass

mendel: when ur gay and u wipe ur ass

trina: dear god I'm surrounded by literal children

falsettos bullshit ass texting shit Where stories live. Discover now