love, jason

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dear whizzer,

it's not fucking fair. you didn't deserve this. you didn't deserve to go out like the way you did. you deserve to still be here with your family who loves you.

i can't fucking believe it's been a year already. dad hasn't gotten over you, it's not like i expected him to, but he started drinking more and more. we barely ever see him sober. that is, if we see him at all.

mom started distracting herself by paying attention to me, like i need her to. and mendel, y'know the physiatrist? well, he stopped talking about his feelings. isn't that ironic?

charlotte is working her ass off trying to cure what killed you. it has a name now, AIDs. cordelia is always in the kitchen baking and bringing over food for dad, food that he can't keep down. oh yeah i forgot to mention, he has what you had.

we're all surprised he's made it this long. last week he fainted, he didn't let anyone take him to the hospital because he knows he's dying, and he doesn't want to spend his last months in a stiff hospital bed.

i'm so fucking scared. why did you leave us you asshole. i miss you. i miss playing chess with you, and you'd always tell me not to let you win but i would anyway. i miss hearing you and dad bicker like children.

when you and dad got back together, i was the happiest i've been in a long time. i felt like my family was complete. now it's all crashing down, none of us can even say your name without breaking down.

i can't believe i'll never see you again. i'll never see you and your stupid designer clothes you loved so much.

i'm sorry this happened to you, you didn't deserve this. you deserved to live a long and happy life with the people you loved. no matter if you're here with us or not, we'll always love you, whizzer.

love, jason.

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