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"Taryn sweety, come down for breakfast!" Her mother called up in a lofty voice.
"Coming mom!" Taryn called back, putting the finishing touches on her hair and makeup.
She sighed, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. Trotting down the stairs she smiled. It was gonna be a good day. She could feel it.

Taryn sat on the bus, her headphones in and playing her music softly she scrolled through her friend's stories on Instagram. Occasionally she saw an add
"Have you taken your medication today?" A cheerful little icon would dance across the screen.
'Of course I'd taken my medications.' She thought to herself.
But the more she thought about it the more She wasn't sure. 'Had I taken my meds? God I hope so. I cant afford an acne breakout today!' She recapped everything she'd done that day.
Sure enough, she hadn't taken her medication.
But then again, one day wouldn't be so bad, right?
The bus stopped and the kids filed out, chittering happily. Strangely though, their chattering today was obnoxious. She scowled quietly to herself, her eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
'Am I close to my period?' She thought to herself.
She hadn't realized how long she'd been standing there till one of her friends waved a hand in her face.
"Taryn? Hellooo? Earth to Taryn?" She grinned.
Taryn lowered her friend's hand, rolling her eyes. "Yes Kamrie?"
Kamrie's grin faded "Are you okay? You totally spaced out there for a minute,"
Taryn forced a smile "yeah sorry I was just thinking about something,"
Kamrie's usual demeanor returned. "Coolio! We should get to class though, bell's gonna ring here soon."
Taryn smiled and nodded. But in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but think. 'What's so bad about missing one day?'

Hemlo pals! This is the end. I'll have an actual chapter up soon enough! Please let me know what you think so far!
Until next time!

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