jonathan brandis; part one

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"Caroline wake up" someone whispered in my ear while shaking me.

"what the fuck do you want from me?!" I said loudly annoyed. "Girl we are going to see Jonathan Brandis, River Phoenix and Corey Haim today" she said screaming.

"Remind me now, why I am coming" I said while sitting up on my bed.

"Because I am your best friend and you love me" She said confidently.

Basically we are going to a meet and greet, Emma forced me to come. I am not really a big fan of those actors that she is in love with. But my mom kinda forced me too, be more social she said. I am sorry that I like to sleep and watch Netflix. I and Emma had a sleepover at my house than my mom will drive us to Los Angeles. I am just happy because I have heard that they have amazing pizza there.

I got out of my bed and put on some socks, what monster sleeps with socks on. Then I and Emma ate some breakfast. "I am so excited to see them, they are super nice you will love them" She said with her mouth full of cereals. " I won't see them, while you are meeting them I will go and test there pizza and then I will come back."

We went to my room again and fixed us. I choose to wear a black tank top with a skirt and a denim jacket (look at the pictures up, Caroline outfit was the girl to left and Emma's was the girl to the right ). I went to my mirror and started making my makeup. Only by putting some mascara and lipgloss, Emma did a full face with foundation, highlighter, bronzer, red lipstick and more.

"Why are you putting so much on?" I was a bit confused because she only puts a lot of effort if she wants to impress someone.

"I am going to meet the tree hottest boys on earth. What the hell do you think?" She said as if it was obvious.

"Sorry boo, when are we leaving tho?" I said while brushing my wavy hair.

" In about an hour, so hurry up!"

1 hour later,

We took our suitcases and put them in my mom's car, my mom will drive us to La.

"Girls we need to hurry up" My mom yelled downstairs. We ran down and took each a sandwich, then jumped into the car. My mom put some music on and we all started to sing. We sang to Hannah Montana songs and pop songs. Because we loved Hannah Montana as kids and it is such a throwback. It was a 4-hour car ride and we stopped at Mcdonalds and then continued the car ride.

Only read if you want to know how the characters look like:

Caroline has brown wavy medium hair with light hazel eyes (green eyes but with a bit brown), she has a big smile, naturally tanned skin.

Emma is light skinned, with brown eyes and with long lashes, curly brown medium-long hair.

Jonathan, River and Corey as themself.

After a 4-hour car ride, we were finally there.

"Emma we'll leave you at the meet and greet and just call my mom when you want to leave. Remember never talk to strangers that smell weird. Me and my mom will go and shop!" I said in a hurry while going back to the car.

"Where do you think you are going? You are not leaving Emma here, you have to go inside and be there for her " My mom said to me with a smile, because she knew how much I will suffer in pain.

"But.. mom. I-.. I don't even know who they are" I said trying to change her mind.

She gave me that typical mom-look, so I just got out of the car and gave her a moody face.

"I knew you would come back!!!!! You love me and would never diss me" Emma had stayed in the exact same place where I left her.

"Just come, so we can get over it." We started to walk into the meet and greek. The moment we walked in, there was a bunch of girls. All of them had at least 100 pounds makeup on them and not to be mean but slutty clothes. It is basically winter.

It was a big hall-ish, there were some tables at the front against the wall. Probably where the boys will be at and then there were lineups. I left and sat at a corner alone with my subway sandwich. That you could buy at there. I picked up my phone and started to look aInstagramam.

Emmas perspective:

I was at a line with two other girls that I just meet.

"Yeah River Phoenix is my favorite!! But I love Corey and Jon too." Said one of the girls with a purple skirt.

"My favorite is obvi Jon duhh," Said the other one.

My favorite one is Corey, he seems really nice and is HOT. I adore Jonathan and River also, but it is something with Corey that I like a bit more.

We waited for a half hour until it was only a couple girls ahead of us.

Jonathan perspective:

I signed another picture of me, took a pic with a girl. And then it came three other girls up.

"Hey Jonathan, my name is Emma. I am a big fan of yours!!"

"Hey Emma, you are really beautiful!" She started to blush, I gave her a signed photo and was about to give it to her until she stopped me. "Wait, can't you sign one more to my friend? Her mom will kill her if she won't get one."

"Yeah sure, which of the girls behind you will I sign for?"

"No not them, the girl at the corner over there, the girl with the sandwich" She pointed to a girl at me left. She just had spilled some dressing over her skirts and whispered to herself "fuck". She looked up and we made eye contact. Damn she was beautiful as hell, she quickly looked down again and started to remove the dressing from her skirt.

"Are she a fan? What is her name?" I said to quickly.

"She is really not but this is something for her to remember this day. Her name is Caroline!" I gave her a smile and started to sign the photo and then my number.

"Tell her I said hey". She moved to the side and started to talk to Corey.

I looked back at the girl with the sandwich and she soon started to look up.

Caroline perspective:

I felt as someone is watching me, when I looked up I saw a blue-eyed boy staring at me. That is River? No Corey or Jonathan? I don't remember, but I didn't know he was that cute. He gave me a smile and I looked at him weirdly back. He started to giggle and I gave him a small smile.


I know this is probably soooo bad. But this is my first attempt so forgiveee me. It will be a second part on this probably, because it was too long to continue now.

But if you have any request, comment them!!

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