Chapter 5

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Hello! I am back with another chapter for you all. I hope you like it.

Black Manta grimaces as he looks at his comatose son. How could he have let something like this happen? He is such a terrible father. Granted, he hasn't been a father for very long. Not a day goes by that he isn't thankful to have his son by his side. Manta sighs, he thought he would never get the chance to see him again. His mother had done all she could to keep Kaldur away from him. Aquaman had done the same by adopting his son as his sidekick. He is grateful for the fact that Kaldur has welcomed him into his circle so easily. He may be a villain to some people, but what he did is for the right reasons. Manta is glad that his own son can see that. He couldn't be prouder to have his own flesh and blood fighting alongside him. Black Manta looks down at his son with a worried expression. Who would've expected for one young man to warm the heart of the notorious Black Manta? Kaldur sits on his bed with his eyes open. He looks okay, but he doesn't blink at all or move. His entire body seems devoid of emotion. Black Manta stares at his son, trying to come with a solution for what to do next. He is snapped from his thoughts by a loud knock on the door. He turns and sees RH entering the room. "Sir, I was wondering how Kaldur'ahm is fairing...." RH states.

Black Manta nods, "He is the same as when you had found him. I never got the chance to before, but let me say thank you. You saved my son from that Martian. Who knows what she would've done to him if you hadn't gotten there."

"Of course, sir," RH says, "It is my job to protect and fight alongside your son. I plan to do that job as well as I possibly can."

"My son should be very grateful to have such a loyal right hand as you," Black Manta says, "I wish that he would snap out of this stupor. I do not know what to do....I can't just let him stay like this and hope he eventually returns to normal...."

RH nods his head slowly, "Sir, this may sound odd, but maybe get a psychic to help. Kaldur is in the condition because of a Martian's telepathic power. Someone with the same power should be able to reverse it." Black Manta considers RH's words and nods his head slowly. He looks at his son before making his way out of the room, "Stay with my son, RH. I need to make a call."


A few hours later, Black Manta returns followed by Psimon. RH looks at the two and crosses his arms, "You're gonna fix Kaldur'ahm..."

"Yes, I am," Psimon replies, "You don't have to worry about him. I know what I'm doing." RH scoffs and looks to Black Manta. "He is the best suited for the job. He should be able to fix my son," Manta states, "Psimon will be doing what is necessary to bring back my son. This is not up for conversation, RH. Do not overestimate your power in this situation." RH scowls, but doesn't say anything back about the whole predicament. "Perfect. RH, stay here and monitor Psimon's work," Black Manta says, "Psimon, you better be able to cure my son. You know what will happen if you don't. I will let you get to work. I have other matters to attend to." Black Manta walks out of the room and Psimon moves closer to Kaldur's bedside. There is a seat already next to Kaldur's bed. Psimon sits down in it. RH moves a respectable distance away and eyes Psimon warily. Kaldur's eyes remain blank as Psimon reaches his hand to touch the Atlantean. RH can only watch as Psimon enters Kaldur's mind and gets to work.

It's not even a minute later when Psimon shoots out of his seat and away from Kaldur. RH frowns, "What do you think you're doing? I thought you said you were going to fix Kaldur."

"His's least for someone like me," Psimon states.

RH glares at him, "You said that you knew what you were doing."

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