Chapter 6

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And I am back! I have another update for you all. We are more than halfway done with this story. I told you at the beginning it would be pretty short. It is. This is probably the shortest story I ever wrote. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Let's get into it.

Miss Martian winces as she continues to piece together Kaldur's mind. It is taking a heavy toll on her. Kaldur's mind is fighting against her presence, even though it desperately needs her to fix it. She doesn't know how long she has been here. She just knows that she needs to repair the damage she made. Kaldur deserved to have a broken mind, but she was in no position to disagree with Black Manta's request. She didn't want anything else to happen to her friends. She flinches as she dodges a blow from Kaldur's mind projection of Tula. She quickly repairs another part of Kaldur's mind before ducking for cover. This whole thing was a long process. Too long of a process in her opinion. She sighs and grimaces when a blast narrowly misses her head. "C'mon M'gann. The faster you get done with this. The faster you can get out of this killer's mind..." She takes a deep breath before moving to repair another part of the destroyed field that is Kaldur's mind.

———time skip———

Miss Martian pulls out of Kaldur's mind with a loud gasp. She blinks as she takes in her surroundings. She has no idea how long she's been inside of her old friend's mind. She looks around the room and spots the man that captured her. RH....she thinks his name is. RH is leaning against the wall taking a little snooze. Miss Martian looks to Kaldur. The Atlantean is still not completely snapped out of his stupor. It may take him a couple of minutes before really waking up. "Now is my chance..." Miss M mutters under her breath. She slowly stands up and quietly creeps towards the door. Before she can move any farther, a figure blocks her way "Where do you think you're going?" Black Manta asks with a glare. He steps forward, pushing Miss Martian back into the room. M'gann frowns, "Nowhere..."

"You have to fix my son," Black Manta states.

Miss Martian glares at him, "I did 'fix' your son. You said that you would let me go when I did." Black Manta scoffs and closes the door with a loud slam. He walks towards Kaldur's bedside and looks to his son with worry. RH was woken up by the loud slamming of the door. He tries to act like he was paying attention and guarding Miss Martian the entire time. "You've been working on my son for a couple of hours. Why does he look the same as before?" Black Manta questions.

M'gann crosses her arms, "It isn't an instant thing. It may take him a couple of minutes to wake up..." Black Manta scoffs and lifts a hand to slap Miss Martian. Manta uses all of his strength as he makes contact with the Martian's cheek. She goes flying to the floor when Manta's hand connects right on target. RH flinches a little at the loud smack sound that resonates throughout the chamber. "Don't lie," Black Manta spats. Miss Martian winces as she pushes herself up from the floor. She rubs her cheek and looks Black Manta in the eye. "How would you know? It's not like you were the one to spend hours trying to put back together something that should never be fixed!"

"How dare you! Do you have a death wish? I can grant it to you right now if you would like," Black Manta says in a dark tone. He takes a step closer to Miss Martian and reaches his arm out towards her. Before he can attack the Martian, a soft voice makes him stop. "F-father..." Kaldur says in a raspy tone. He still looks rather pale, but his eyes show life. He moves his arms a little and seems to be trying to sit up. "Kaldur'ahm!" Black Manta exclaims, rushing to his son's bedside. Manta gently helps his son position himself on the bed frame comfortably. "I am okay, father," Kaldur says in a whispered tone. Black Manta nods his head before turning to face Miss Martian. "It would appear that you were not lying," Manta states.

Miss M rolls her eyes, "You're will you take this thing off of me and let me go."

Manta chuckles, "Did you actually think that I would just release you?"

Miss Martian glares at him, "We had a deal."

"Yes, we did. It would appear that I am not following through with my side of said deal," Black Manta retorts, "RH, if you could please deal with this..." RH nods his head and approaches Miss M. "Gladly, sir," RH states. M'gann backs up, trying to get away from the approaching man. She doesn't get very far when RH makes a fist and connects it with her face.

————time skip——————

Miss Martian groans as she comes to. She looks around and frowns when she realizes she's in a prison cell. She slowly stands up and moves to the bars. She shakes them and hits them, hoping for them to budge. She lets out a huff when she is unable to do anything. She looks down at her neck and groans when she sees the collar still sits upon it. Miss Martian frowns, not knowing what to do. "How am I going to get out of here?" Miss Martian mutters. She doesn't have very long to ponder on her next course of action when a loud commotion erupts down the hall. Miss Martian's eyes widen when a loud booming sound goes off followed by gunshots. M'gann can make out the sound of Black Manta's men shouting out in pain. Her brow furrows, it can't be her friends....they didn't know she was kidnapped. If it isn't her friends, who is it? She doesn't have to wait long to find out. She can hear footsteps coming down the hallway and towards her cell. The person who is causing all the ruckus stands in front of the cell and makes themself visible. "Cheshire..." M'gann states.

"Well, well, well..." Cheshire says, "I didn't expect to see you here..."

"I could say the same," Miss M replies, "Why are you here?"

"That is none of your business, but if you could point me in the direction of Aqualad....I'd be grateful..." Cheshire says in a bored tone.

Miss Martian frowns, "You're here to avenge Artemis..."

"Maybe..." Cheshire states, "Now are you going to tell me or not."

"I don't know this place well. I don't even know if he's still in the same room..." Miss Martian replies. Cheshire scoffs and turns to move away. "Wait!" M'gann cries.

"What?" Cheshire asks in an annoyed tone.

"Can you get me out of here?" Miss Martian questions.

Cheshire sighs, "Why would I do that?"

Miss M looks her in the eyes, "Because....because your sister and I were friends."

Cheshire scoffs, "That doesn't make you my friend." Miss Martian frowns and gives Cheshire a pleading gaze. "You wouldn't get that far anyway. You have that collar attached to your neck..." Cheshire comments.

"I'll find a way out. Please, Cheshire," Miss Martian begs. Cheshire stares at Miss Martian, not saying anything. Miss M looks back at her with pleading face. After a few seconds, Cheshire cracks. "Fine," Cheshire states, reaching into her pocket. She holds a remote in her hand and clicks a button. The collar around M'gann's neck beeps and shuts off. Miss Martian breathes a sigh of relief as the collar falls to the floor. She uses her powers to density shift through the bars of the cell. Miss Martian lets out a sigh of relief and states, "How did you get the remote for the collar?"

Cheshire shrugs, "Picked it off of some guy with a red mask..."

Miss Martian nods, "Thank you, Cheshire. Thank you so much..."

Cheshire scoffs, "Whatever....don't say I never did anything for you. Also, since I saved you, you owe me." Miss Martian flinches at the thought of being in debt to Cheshire, but nods her head anyway. "Okay...I owe you," She states. Cheshire doesn't look at her and starts to walk away. "I'll see you some other time...Martian," She calls out, "I got an Atlantean to skin..." Miss Martian nods her head and takes a deep breath. She looks around before heading right, ready to escape from Black Manta's headquarters.

Done! I hope that you liked this chapter. Please comment, vote, follow me, and add this story to your library. Thank you for continuing to support this story and all my other ones. See you all next time! 

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