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~ Alex's POV.~

Me and Ren walked over to the Quidditch pitch, holding our brooms. They weren't exactly the best but they would do. We were both trying out for chaser. I looked at her and sighed. The way her purple hair flowed in the wind was so enchanting. The way her scars shone in the late morning sun. I shook my head, clearing it. She would never fall in love with me. I faced forward again and walked over to where the captain told the chasers to stand. I looked over at the seeker section. About five people were there, people really want the glory, don't they? I looked at the keeper section. Two people. Well, it was a 50/50 chance. I looked at the beater section. Three people. One person would be unsuccessful. There were about four people in the chaser section, the captain was already a chaser so two of us would be chosen, two would be sent back.

Ren was apparently one of two girls there. The other girl was trying out for keeper. I looked up at the stands, Liv and Charity had come to watch, among with some other people. Fred and George were there too,they were friends with Ren. Or they just came to watch the tryouts, I was pretty sure they were on the team again this year.

"Alright!" The captain said. "We'll start with the seekers! I'll be throwing Muggle golf ball things at you because Madam Hooch has the snitch. Get into a line!" He ordered, they did so, nobody wanted to be at the front though so only grudgingly did somebody go to the front. The captain called the first one up. They caught two out of five of the golf balls, he flew back down to let the second person go up.

After all the seekers had been the mark was..
First caught two out of five.
Second caught four out of five.
Third caught five out of five.
Fourth caught zero out of five.
And fifth caught two out of five.
The captain chose the seeker, then the other groaned and sat up in the stands.
"Next I'll do the keepers." He said. He told the keepers to get into a line, like the seekers. The first keeper flew up. It was the girl. The captain threw quaffles at the goalposts, she saved four out of five whereas the boy saved five out of five. The girl sat in the stands.

"Now, the beaters." The three beaters got into a line without being told, us chasers did the same to get ready. Ren was in the front, I loved her confidence. The first beater flew up. The captain released a bludger.
The first beater didn't hit the bludger at all, ending in a hospital wing visit. The second beater hit the bludger every time it came near, so did the third, only missing once. Now was the chasers.

Ren flew up, her hair was a confident teal. She managed to score a goal every time she could. She flew back down and stood at the side. I was next. I flew up. I was honestly terrible, I fumbled with the quaffle and kept dropping it. The only time I attempted to shoot a goal was feeble and was saved easily. I flew back down and stood next to Ren.
"At least you tried." She muttered to me.
The third chaser was easily as bad as me, therefore ending in Ren and the fourth chaser being chosen. The third chaser and I sat in the stands. After tryouts had ended we all walked back to the castle.

~ Fred's POV.~

I was so impressed with Ren's flying skills, it made me love her more. George seemed to have read my mind.
"Fred, just tell her how you feel. I'm sure she'll understand. She might even agree."
I nodded, vowing to myself that I would talk to her after the tryouts. I saw her, Alex, Malfoy's sister and somebody else walking back to the castle.
"Uh.. Rennie?" I said, tapping her on the shoulder.
She turned around. "Yeah?"
"C-Can I talk to you..?" I asked. "Alone?"
"Sure." She turned to her friends. "I'll meet you near the astronomy tower." Her friends nodded and walked off. I walked to the broom shed, nobody would hear us there. "What's up?" She asked. I loved the way she would always care about people..
"I-I..." I trailed off. I had so many things to say to her, but I couldn't.
"You-You....?" She prompted. I couldn't keep it in anymore.
"Doyouwanttobemygirlfriend?" I blurted out. Her eyes widened in shock and her hair turned a light grey, then fading to pink. "I'm sorry.. I mean... You don't have to..."
"I'd love to." She said, kissing my cheek and walking off. I touched my cheek and felt it burning up. I then promised to myself that I would never wash that cheek again.

~ Ren's POV.~

I ran up to the astronomy tower to meet my friends.
"Guys." I squealed. "You'll never believe what just happened."
"What?" Liv said in anticipation.
"Fred asked me out!" I squealed along with Charity and Liv.
"And you said yes?" Charity asked, I nodded. We all hugged.
"Wait. What?" Alex said. "I'll never understand girls." He walked up the astronomy tower stairs.

                  *~ Next morning ~*

I sat at the Slytherin table with the usual three when the post owls came. I looked up at the owls, scanning for my own Kayley. But a different owl caught my attention. It was a tiny pygmy owl and it was carrying a small red envelope. A howler.
"That's... That's my owl... With the howler..." Charity said. The small owl dropped the howler on to Charity's plate. She opened it with trembling fingers. Lucius Malfoy's voice rang through the hall.
The howler exploded into a million pieces. Charity looked shocked and like she was about to break down. She stood up and ran out of the great hall, crying. I stood up and ran after her. Fred stood up and ran after me. I found her crying in an empty classroom. I ran over to her and hugged her. Tight.
"Charity.. Please calm down... It- It's not so bad.... I'll tell you what, I'll ask Mum if you can stay with us, okay?"
She nodded, wiping her tears and sniffling.
"I- I just... Never.. Never actually expected Draco to do that..."
"Was it that git then?" Fred asked, sitting beside her. "He told your Dad?"
She nodded.
"Do you mind if I murder him?" Me and Fred said at the same time.
She shook her head.
"C'mon." I said, standing up. "Madam Pomfrey will let you stay in the hospital wing, if you're not ready for class."
"O-Okay.." She said shakily standing up.

Me and Fred took her to the hospital wing, avoiding any students.
"Yes, I heard it from up here. Come on dear, come sit down." Madam Pomfrey said kindly after Fred and I had told her what happened. Charity nodded and sat in a chair. Thankfully Madam Pomfrey let her stay in the hospital wing today, she wouldn't want to be embarrassed by going to class as shaky as she was.

Fred and I walked out of the hospital wing down to the courtyard outside the great hall.
"It's horrible." I said. "I was born disowned, I have no idea what it's like. Just to lose all your family in three sentences."
Fred sighed. "I know, but it was really nice of you to offer her a place at your house."
"It's the least I could do." I said, standing up. "I've got history of magic. Binns would kill me if I was late again, oh wait..."
Fred chuckled. "I've got potions. Suppose I should go too. Snape won't be in a good mood after that." He stood up, kissed my head, and walked off. I walked behind him until he went down to the dungeons, and I walked up to the third floor.

"I'll write that letter to Mum in class, I'm sure she won't mind." I thought as I walked into class. When Professor Binns started to drone on I got out my quill, some ink and a small roll of parchment.
"You're actually taking notes?" Liv whispered to me.
"No." I whispered back. "Writing a letter."
"Oh." She whispered, then went back to writing her own notes. I picked up the quill, dipped it in the ink and wrote.
Dear Mum, ( I wrote)
Earlier today my friend ( Charity Malfoy, don't be alarmed by the name) was disowned. Would it be alright if she stayed with us? She's really nice and she'll be no fuss, honestly.
Love, Rennie.
P.S I'm in the Quidditch team this year and Fred asked me out ( I said yes.)

I closed the letter off feeling pleased with myself, I would send it after our last class, herbology. The class ended and we walked off to care of magical creatures, ready for a better class than we had just had.

Nearing the end of herbology five hours later I was getting bored.
"When will this class end? I just want to send a letter."
Thankfully, the class ended almost a minute after I had thought that. I practically ran up to the owlery then called down my barn owl, Kayley. I gave her the letter.
"Give it to Mum, okay?" I said to the owl, then let her fly off to Mum.

I lay in bed that night feeling pleased with myself. I'd managed to make a friend happy by just being there for her, and that was the best feeling in the world. I fell asleep a happy person.

Renizabeth Andromeda Tonks| Second year.Where stories live. Discover now