Gotta get back to Hogwarts

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For some reason this chapter was duplicated, but I can't find it anywhere. Sorry!

I was running, running in the forest I had transformed in so many times. Something was chasing after me. It had long, flowing black hair and grey eyes. It's skin was so pale it could have been white and it had black bags under its eyes.
"Oh Wolfy." It sang in a childish voice. "Why won't you come and play with me?"
"L-Leave me alone!!" I screamed to it.
"Why should I? When I haven't seen you in so long?"
The.. Thing.. Came to me with unnatural speed. I tripped over a tree stump and fell. It opened its mouth, showing large, gleaming fangs. It advanced towards me... I was too scared to move...

I jolted upwards, wide awake in an instant. "Nightmare?" Dora asked. I nodded. "Happy birthday, Beth. Presents are downstairs but Mum said no opening them until you're dressed and ready."
I rolled my eyes. "Obviously. Can't wait to prank Snape this year."
"Be careful. Snape can get nasty."
"Correction, Snape can get nasty to other houses. He favours Slytherins." I grinned.
"Good point. Now get up and dressed. Unless you don't want a new broom?"
"I've got a new broom?!" I half- screamed.
"Maybe." Dora said, then left.

I threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. I opened my wardrobe and looked for my Hogwarts robes. We would be apparating to the station, so there wasn't any point wearing Muggle clothes. I looked to see how my Slytherin robes fit on me in the mirror. Perfect. I smiled and picked up my hairbrush. I brushed my hair, picking every knot out of my hair that had appeared as I slept. I finished brushing my hair and laid down my hairbrush. I made my purple hair into ringlets. Being a Metamorphmagus is so useful. I picked up my new glasses and put them on.

"This year, everything is going to be fine." I said quietly to myself. I nodded and walked downstairs. As soon as I opened the door to the living room a glorious sight met my eyes. In one of the corners was about five presents. More than I had ever got ( yeah I know, my life is sad.)
"Morning, Rennie." Dad said from behind the daily prophet.
"Morning, Dad." I replied, grinning, and opening a present from Liv.

It was a book. It had a picture of a Lady on it in a bright blue ball gown, she had her blonde hair up in a bun and she was running down a glass staircase. One of her glass slippers had fallen off. At the top of the front cover it said 'Cinderella.'
"What in the world...?" I muttered. I looked up at Dad, who was Muggle born. "Dad. Do you know what this is?" I lifted up the book for him to see.
He grinned. "Do I? It's a classic Muggle fairytale."
"Oh." I said, then put it to the side for later and moving on to Alex's present.

After opening all five presents ( including some prank supplies from Fred and George, Cinderella from Liv, a new broomstick from Mum and Dad, a fake but realistic grow your own acromantuala from Dora and a self portrait from Alex) I added it all to my suitcase and stood by the door, ready to get to platform 9 3/4 by side- along apparition. I felt Dora grab my hand and we went through the usual sensation of being suffocated before arriving at platform 9 3/4.

"Okay, bye Dora." I said quickly, spotting Fred. I ran over to Fred and tapped him on the shoulder. "Boo."
Fred pretended to jump and turned around to face me, I was already more or less the same height as him. "Ren. You'll never guess who we've just seen."
"Who?" I asked, anticipated.
"Harry Potter." George said, coming up behind Fred.
I crossed my arms. "I'm not stupid."
"No, honest. We saw Harry Potter." Fred said. I could tell he wasn't lying.
"Bloody hell." I whispered.
"Anyway, Lee's got a tarantula. Wanna see it?" George asked. I grinned and nodded. They led me over to Lee Jordan, the boy's best friend and the Hogwarts Quidditch commentator.
"You wanna see the tarantula?" Lee asked, grinning.
"Duh." I replied.
He held out his arm. The tarantula ran across his arm. Fred shivered. I held out my arm for the spider to crawl across.
"How can you do that?" Fred asked me. I shrugged and tickled the tarantula. It ran back across my arm and to my fingertip, then back to Lee.
"Awesome." I grinned.

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