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~ Rennie's POV.~

"Reeeeennnn." Charity whispered into my ear.
"Go away." I mumbled into my pillow.
"It's Halloween and the house elves have made chocolate cake for you." Liv said, from the other side of the dorm.
I sat bolt upright. "I didn't hear any of that, only Halloween and chocolate but you still have my attention."
They both laughed as I got out of bed and got my robes on. I picked up my hairbrush and started to brush my hair, picking out every tiny little knot. "What colour should I do today?" I asked them.
"Violet?" Charity suggested. I nodded and turned my hair straight as Malfoy ( so not straight at all) then turned it violet. I put it up in a high ponytail.

We walked out of the dorm into the common room. It was only until Liv told me that I had slept in all day that I knew! We walked up to the great hall for the Halloween feast and sat at the Slytherin table.
"Where's Alex?" I asked, looking around.
Liv shrugged. "Probably sulking. He's jealous of you and Fred."
I scoffed. "Seriously? I can date who the fuck I want."
"That's what I said." Liv told me.

Isla, who seemed to be listening to our conversation, spoke up. "You're dating Fred? As in, my brother Fred?"
I nodded.
"Poor you." She said, then went back to eating.
I rolled my eyes, turning to Liv and Charity.
"Or he's sulking cause he didn't make the team." Charity suggested.
"Good idea. Honestly, he's lucky he didn't. Flints making us work ten times harder." I said. It wasn't exactly fun, being in the same team as some of my worst bullies, but it was worth it. I looked up, instead of the floating candles there were floating Jack-o'-lanterns. There were also live bats flying around the great hall. I looked at the ceiling. The sky was dark blue, close to black. The moon was in it's waning gibbous form, so tomorrow night would be full moon.
"Isn't it full moon?" Charity asked. I rolled my eyes.
"No, it's waning gibbous. The illumination is 99% percent. Tomorrow is full moon. Merlin, do you ever listen in astronomy?" I explained.
"No." She replied.
"Explains a lot." I said, picking up a chicken wing.
She gasped in offense, then started to eat.

I sniffed.
"Do you guys smell that?" I said, glancing towards the door.
"No.." Liv said.
"Ren. You're a werewolf. You have a better sense of smell than us." Charity said truthfully.
"Good point." I said, but was quickly cut off my Quirrell running in.
"TRRROOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL." He yelled. "IN THE DUNGEONS!!!!!! Thought you ought to know." He then collapsed in the middle of the hall.

Chaos reigned. First years were screaming, people were running around and yelling. It took several red sparks from Dumbledore's wand to have complete silence.
"Prefects will take students to the dormitory. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." He shouted... Calmly... Somehow.
"The Slytherin dorm is in the dungeons!" I yelled to Dumbledore, the rest of Slytherin halted and agreed, looking at Dumbledore.
I had a feeling he didn't really care. Snape also looked at Dumbledore.
Dumbledore sighed. "Very well, Slytherin house shall stay in here until it is confirmed that the troll is gone." I grinned and sat back down along with the rest of the house. Liv pinched the bridge of her nose.

We watched the rest of the school leave the great hall. I grinned at Fred, he grinned back. George pulled him along.
"Ren, Liv. Alex doesn't know." Charity said.
"Shit." I said in realisation.
"We can't exactly do anything, can we?" Liv said. I sighed.
"Wait. Where's Henry?" I asked, Henry was a half blood in Alex's dorm. They were really good friends.
"Here." A deep but soothing voice said. I turned to the voice. It was Henry. His blonde hair was brushed back and his green eyes were like shallow water.
"Do you know where Alex is?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He replied. "In the dorm, sulking about something."
"As we thought." Liv said.

Suddenly, I heard lots of banging and shouting from above. I covered my ears. As a werewolf, my hearing and smelling senses were more sensitive than a human's.
"You good Ren?" Charity asked.
"You've gotta hear that too." I said. Liv nodded.
"But obviously it's louder for you." Charity said. I nodded.

"Somebody kick Quirrell!" A seventh year yelled down the table.
"Okay!" I yelled up the table, then pushed Charity to go do it. She stood up and walked over to Quirrell, then kicked him. He didn't move.
"Is he dead?" A first year asked. I crossed my fingers as Charity checked for a pulse.
"Nope." She said, which was followed by a disappointed sigh all along the table.

She sat back down at the table. The banging and shouting stopped as suddenly as it had came.
"The fuck?" I asked. McGonagall came back into the great hall.
"The troll is no longer in the dungeons." She said. "You may go to your common room."
Everybody sighed in relief and walked down to the common room.

"I'm gonna go see Alex." I told the two girls. I'll meet you in our usual seats, Kay?" They nodded and walked to the corner seats. I walked up to the second year boy's dorm and knocked.
"Alex?" I said softly. "Can I come in?" Muffled sobbing was my only reply. Slowly, I opened the door and looked in. Alex was in his bed, under the quilt. I walked over to him. "It's Ren, Alex. Please talk to me."
He sniffed and shook his head. I sighed. "Please?" He shook his head again. I sighed for a second time and quietly left the dorm.

"What happened?" Charity asked as I sat next to her in the corner seat.
"Won't let me talk to him. According to Henry he won't talk to anybody." I replied. Liv sighed and said
"He'll have to come out soon, we've got classes tomorrow."
"True." Charity replied.

That night I lay in bed drawing and thinking.
"It's all my fault." I thought.
I then stowed my drawing book under my pillow and fell asleep, thinking about Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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