Chapter 2-If i ask you nicely

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     I awoke to the birds singing which was quite a welcoming sound. I checked the time and it was precisely 6 am. I walked out of my 'Rustic' house and watered my crops which left me at about 7:30 am. I started my walk east towards town and saw a slightly familiar face. S? I thought to myself as I approached the man. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.
     "I don't know you, what do you want?" He said to me coldly.
     "I'm new in town, and you look really similar to someone I was friends with when I was younger, I'm sorry," I said trying to sound as polite as possible. But instead of replying he turned around and walked off. Kinda strange, but I'll be damned if I don't befriend him again. I now know for a fact he was my childhood friend, but people change a lot from ages 7-22 so he might not recognize me. Yet.
    I walked south towards Marnie's ranch considering she might remember me, and id like that. On the way there I met a few other people including a doctor, a Girl named Abigail, A dude named Sam (I think I'll get along pretty well with him) and an athletic man named Alex. (quite the hunk, but that's not exactly my type, maybe I'll be friends with him but nothing more) I walked down into cinder-sap forest and saw the familiar ranch/house and walked inside.
   "Hey, Marnie! Do you remember me at all?" I said quite cheerfully.
   "My oh my, is that little Tailyn? You've gotten so big since I last saw you! What were you 7 when I last saw you? What happened?" Marnie said and I looked down at her last words 'what happened'
    "After grandpa died, I couldn't bare going to that old house anymore. Being the age I was and experiencing something like that was completely traumatizing to a 7-year-old. Honestly, the thing I missed most was my best friend he may not have even cared that I left, but it sure made me sad." I replied looking at marine
     "Oh! You mean my nephew, Shane!" My eyes lit up as she said his name memories flooded through my head of playing with him without a care in the world.
     "He's been staying here the past few months, Not to embarrass him but he's been wondering if you'd be the new farmer, he seemed so excited when talking about you!" Marnie said excitedly. We talked until about 6:30 pm when a familiar face entered the ranch
     "Shane! It's Tailyn! Just like you suspected!" Marnie said in her usually cheery voice.
     "Tailyn? Must've has been so busy in the city that you haven't sent me a letter in 15 years.." He said pretty coldly but less cold then this morning.
     "I'm sorry i-" I was gonna explain that my father didn't let me write to stardew Valley because he missed his father so much and he couldn't bare send a letter down there it got him thinking too much about grandpa.
      "Don't bother apologizing, Tailyn, I don't need petty apologies." Shane said and walked towards what I remember as his room.
     "Dude..." I looked in his direction but he didn't respond instead he walked into his room and slamming the door shut.
      "Aw, he'll come around, I have some spare peppers you could give him?" Marnie said.
      "Thanks! If there's anything I remember about him besides his love of chickens, its that he absolutely loves spicy food!" I said excitedly and took some of the peppers from Marnie and told her this
      "I'm gonna go spook him" I walked out of the of the ranch and towards the back window his room. I knocked on the window only to be met by shocked angry eyes. I held up the peppers and saw the anger fade away, and the shocked look grew even stronger. He quickly came and opened the window.
      "You brought me peppers? How do you even remember I loved these!?" He said looking at me confusingly.
      "I have my ways, anywho I just wanted to say sorry for never sending letters, truly. My father didn't let me send to stardew valley after my grandpa died. And I didn't ask again, not wanting to upset him. But I did miss you, and by the time I was allowed to write letters on my own, I had forgotten the address " I said. I noticed a slight shade of pink spread across his face 'is he blushing? How cute'
       "Tailyn, I appreciate the gesture,(at this point he had grabbed the peppers) but we're virtually strangers, 15 years was a long time ago, we weren't even teenagers yet, Tai," Shane said with a bit of sorry-ness in his voice.
       "If we aren't, friends don't call me Tai. Goodbye, Shane." I walked off with visible tears in my eyes. I knew it was a long shot he would even remember me. Maybe I really was only a bratty 7-year-old to him.
   As I walked away, I could feel him staring at me I tried to hold back my tears, but to no avail. A few salty tears escaped my eyes and fell onto my cheeks. He even took the peppers, then told me were strangers! I finally reached my home and sat on my bed I thought for a long time. Like I was thinking hard about why I let myself believe he would just be my friend again.
      At about 8 I clock I headed towards the saloon. When I walked in, guess who I saw. He looked pretty drunk so I was hoping he wouldn't notice me but for a few seconds we made eye contact and I looked down immediately and walked to the arcade-ish section of the Saloon.
       "Hey, Sam!" I waved at the blonde boy, who waved me over. He introduced me to Sebastian who was quite the charming lad, but not my type. What even is my type?. I played pool a few times with them and w Sam was trying to teach me to play, though I'm sure it was just an excuse to get closer to me.
       I started to head out of the saloon and on my way home I started to feel dizzy I was around Pierres I think, and I started losing balance. My vision started to worsen, and things were getting darker and darker. Until I felt my self lose all balance and fall forward, but I didn't feel myself hit the stone ground, I had already blacked out by then. *thud*

A/N hi again! So again if there is anything you want to say, say it! Thank you for continuing to read my story, I really do appreciate it. Also if this story ever gets any kind of attention, I'll do a reader shout out with every publish!


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