Chapter 4- if i ask you politely?

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I woke up, feeling immensely refreshed. I walked outside and went to water each of the plants, to find them fully grown! I harvested all the parsnips and tried to eat one but realized I desperately hate parsnips. I quickly spit out the nasty tasting vegetable and put the remaining thirteen in the wooden bin. I walked around my farm an began to clean up some clutter, make it look neater.
I decided to go visit marine and id give her some cave carrots as she asked for. When I got there she gladly accepted the carrots and we got to talking
"So Tailyn, are you going to the saloon tonight? It gets quite rowdy! Everyone in town except Evelyn and George. They say it too far a walk but they manage to make it to the flower dance every year" marine said getting suspicious.
"Sure, why not! But what's the flower dance exactly?" I asked with confusion resonating throughout my voice.
"Oh for heaven's sake! You don't know what the flower dance is? I guess you'll just have to wait and see then!" Marine said excitedly and winked. She also said they'd be having it next week in place of the egg festival because they wanted me to experience it as soon as possible, weird I guess. Shane walked in.
"Listen, dude, I don't care what you think of me, for one, and I was having a chat with Marine because she actually finds me decent. Because I never did anything to her. Just like I've never done anything wrong to you if i did was a 7-year-old. Get over it." I said To him coldly, my mood immediately shifting.
"Shane, would you please elaborate on why you absolutely hate me?" I said cold and calm, not rash at all.
"Because of I- um er. I DONT NEED A REASON, LEAVE TAILYN" Shane screamed at me.
" 'Kay then. Hate me as much as you want but I want you to know something. You were the only childhood friend i had, so I 100℅ appreciate you giving up on me just like my father did like you knew he did. Like you told me you would never do." I had tears in my eyes at the end and his mood had done a 360 and went from angry to concerned.
"Tailyn I, -" he started to speak but I didn't want him to see me cry so I booked it out of there and back to my farm. I eventually made it back to my house and wrote about the events in my diary. I wasn't gonna give up, though. If there's anything watching endless hours of Pokemon taught me its that i should never give and catch em all! Mostly the first part though. At about 7 (after sulking for a solid few hours) i headed towards the saloon, Sam would know exactly how to cheer me up! Right?. I walked inside and there was a stranger, maybe i just hadn't met them yet? I approached the man.
"Hi, I'm Tailyn the new farmer -"I was gonna introduce myself but he didn't give me a chance.
"Your pretty hot girrrly," he said now standing uncomfortably close to me
"Um I'm uncomfortable can you please back up sir?" Instead, he moved closer, grabbed me by my waist and spun me so my back was against the wall, he pinned me like that and started to put his hand up my shirt, and my breathing got heavy.
"HELP, HELP!" I screamed, but he put his other hand on my mouth.
"UMMUMUMMUUMUMUUMMUMUMU" I scream-mumbled but a flying fist hit the man head on and he let go of me.
"GET OFF OF TAILYN YOU PERVERTED FUCK WAT" I could only watch while Shane pummeled this man to the ground, the man saying he didn't do anything. This pissed Shane off quickly.
"Dude is she like your girlfriend or-" Shane punched him extra hard after that one and the man eventually staggered away. Shane was walking towards his normal spot, I walked closer but not to close.
"Shane, I'm so sorry you shouldn't have had to protect me it's my fault I-" I was trying to apologize but he cut me off pretty quickly.
"I's not your fault, your the victim, ok? You were violated and that man deserves jail time." He said looking me in the eyes.
"I-. Thank you, Shane." I said and smiled.
"I think you might be the only one in town who doesn't hate me, Tailyn." What? I noticed Shane had downed an entire bottle of beer while I was apologizing to him.
"Shane, I don't believe that, at all," I said looking at him.
"You should." He said down another bottle. I waved goodbye and walked off. When i reached my farm I passed out on the bed. I drifted to sleep pretty quickly, and I put a chair positioned on my door to keep it shut, in case something happened, what if something happened I could die I could(snores)

A/n hiii i know this upload is made super late I'm so sorry
:((( school was pretty stressful but I'm trying to stay on top of this story as much as i can. Do you guys want short chapters every day or long chapters every few days? Please let me know so i can get as much of this story out to you as possible! *also the drawing at the top is a doodle of tailyn i did!

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