Nero x M!Reader

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Hello! For all the boys that might read through this book, here's one for ya! I'm going to try to make most xReaders gender neutral, so I'll specify in the title. Enjoy my little inspiration streak!

1st person POV:

"(Y/N), where've you been?" Nero asked, slipping his arm around your waist.
"Waiting for somebody to get home...." You say grumpily. He'd been gone for a week, chasing a tough pack of demons. You'd gotten used to it, but you'd been going through a time of questioning. Did you really deserve Nero? He could do so much better then you. Plenty of girls and guys had shown interest in him, but he'd chosen you, out of all of them.

"Babe, what's bugging you?" He looked worried and you shook your head, wiggling out of his grasp. "Nothing, I'm fine." You started to walk back to the apartment that you two shared as he grabbed you hand.
"Tell me what's wrong. I can tell something's bothering you." You sighed and stopped walking, as you had arrived at the apartment. He cut in front of you, unlocking the door himself and pulled you inside, shutting the door with a click as he dragged you both to the couch, pulling you into his lap.

Your (E/C) orbs met with his baby blue ones, and a tear rolled down your face. "Why me? You could have anyone, but you choose me. Some stupid guy who can't for the life of him defend himself and needs to be protected." Tears where falling down your face faster as Nero kissed them away.
"Because I love you. You stood out to me, with your determined spirit and brash ways, you made me interested." He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, comforting you.
"And finding you was something I'm never gonna regret, for as long as I live. You're a caring, kind person (Y/N), so don't ever doubt yourself." He pulled your head into his chest.
"And if you do, I'll be hear to make you realize that you are worthy of love." He leans his forehead against your own. "Especially mine." He flashes you a rare smile and you know everything's going to be alright.

(A/N) Thanks for reading this! I had some inspiration that popped out of nowhere, so here's the results! More chapters are on the way. I'm going to try and branch out from DMC. Maybe Final Fantasy?

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