V x F!Reader-Part one

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Ah yes,one of the few characters from Devil May Cry I haven't written about yet. This was requested by songangeleena_iris. Enjoy!

3rd POV:

"V!" You called out, pushing aside some brambles. You both had agreed to meet in the woods, so that no one could find you guys.

Your families had been rivals for as long as you could remember, as you where some of the world's top-class producers of (I/N). Yours and V's family hated each other, always trying to best each other. But when the two of you met for the first time, sparks had flared, and you two fell deeply in love.

The young white-haired male popped his head up from the other side of the clearing, twigs and leaves caught in his silky locks, which he quickly brushed aside. "I'm here." He answered. He took a few steps forward, pulling you into a hug and everything was quiet. Peaceful, even, for those couple of seconds.

The snap of branches behind you jarred you two out of your perfect world, and a group of dark figures threw themselves into the clearing. It was a patrol group from your estate.

You where pulled away, too surprised at first to say anything. How had they found you? There should have been no trace that would indicate you were here. Your eyes met V's and you mouthed for him to run.

He took off, darting between guards, sometimes knocking them to the ground if he hit them hard enough. A gunshot ran out, and you saw V stumble for a moment, gritting his teeth in pain as he continued to run, although his pace was slower then before. The ivory-haired male soon was out of sight and you were taken home.

"What is the meaning of this?" Your mother shouted at you when you returned. You cringed at her words, wanting to crawl into a hole and die right on the spot. "He is our rival! Do you know what good comes out with befriending the enemy? Nothing. Nothing, do you hear me?" You took a step back, your head hanging. You wanted to stand up for yourself, but you knew she'd just shoot you back down. You stood there quietly as your mother fumed.

"You realize what you've done, right? Our business is at stake because of your childish actions." Her lips formed a scowl.
"I guess I'm going to have to send you to that private school after all."

Hey everyone! Thanks for being so patient while waiting for me to write. I realize I haven't posted anything but a notice in this book. So here's another one-shot. I'm going to make this two parts as 1. This idea may well be over a thousand words, and I don't want it to be too lengthy 2. I haven't posted in a while. Comments and feedback are always appreciated. Thank you all, and have a good day!

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