Zach Herron pussy boy ⚠️SMUT⚠️

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Male pussy
Degrading words
Master kink
Intersex (Zach was born with a vagina, but has the xy chromosone which is the biological male gene.) Intersex isn't always like this but it's that way in Zachs case of the story.

"What do you want me to do? Let's just get this over with." Asked the youngest boy Zach.

Once again they were all back in the basement where they had locked Zach up before.

The boys all looked at each other, smirks appearing on all of their previously blank faces. The eldest of the boys spoke up.

"Its something different from our usual, but we hope you enjoy it just as much." Said Jonah with a sly looking smirk.

This made the boys smirk even more at the thought of what was about to happen. Usually when they locked him in the basement of the school they'd just beat him up, or make him do all their work. For not only Zach, but also the other boys aswell, this was going to be something new to them. And they both knew it. The curly haired boy walked up to Zach and grabbed his throat softly yet harshly asserting his dominance. The younger gulped down as he tried not to blush.

"Corbyn? Get it."
Jack said this while looking into Zachs eyes not breaking the intense eyelock that was happening between them.

You could hear the shuffling of Corbyn moving before silence once again encaptered the room.

"Here." Corbyn said as he handed Jack the object.

Jack quickly thanked Corbyn while he took the covered up object and set it on the table next to him.

"On the floor." Daniel demanded.

Zach obliged to the blue eyed boys request seeing as he wanted the easiest way out of it. Jonah walked over and squatted next to Zach and caressed his face gently before whispering in his ear, "Dont worry kitten. You'll enjoy this." Zach trembled in uncertainty and at the touch of the elder boy. Jonah stood back up and grabbed the object.

"Close your eyes." Said jonah.

Zach did as told and closed his eyes. That was until he felt something cold being snapped around his wrists. His eyes shot open in not only fear, but confusion as well. Corbyn, Jack, and Daniel all walked over to Zach. Corbyn pinned his upper body down as Jack and Daniel slowly pulled off his pants.

They were shocked to see Zach in panties. But they were even more shocked to see that he bulge. It was flat. Nothing. Jonah came back over and smirked while the young boy squirmed trying to close his legs to hide his pussy.

"Oh........look at you! So pretty. I bet that pussy's almost as beautiful as you pussy boy." Jonah said squatting down to Zach reaching for his thighs.

Although he didnt want to, Zach blushed at the comment. That didnt stop his whimpers though.

"Stop. What are you gonna do? Please dont hurt me." A single tear slowly cascaded it's way down Zachs soft skin leaving a damp trail behind.

Jonah looked Into his eyes and caressed his face softly. "shhhhh. Dont worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. Do you trust me?" He said.

Something about the soft tone in which Jonah said those words made Zach trust him. He nodded his head.

"Perfect. Now........I'm gonna make you feel good." Jonah said as he gestured the rest of the boys off out of the room making sure to nod at them showing his gratitude for the help. Zach gulped not prepared for what was about to happen.

Jonah moved his hands up to zachs wrists and slowly unlocked the hand cuffs giving him a look that seemed to say 'dont do anything you'll regret.' Zach didnt need to speak for he just did a simple nod of the head showing the latter that he understood.

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