Jarbyn 🌸more like jacks life story🌸

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Trans character
Ftm (female to male) ME
Could trigger dysphoria (I know it did while writing)
Accidental transphobia

(OKAY THIS MAY SEEM CONFUSING BUT JACKS PARENTS THINK HES A GIRL, BUT EVERYONE AT SCHOOL THINKS HES A BOY AND DOESNT KNOW HE WAS BKRN FEMALE. When its talking about the parents it refers to jack as she, when it refers to jack at school it refers to him as he. Probs very difficult to understand. Also jumps around with time and shit.)

On the 1st of July, 1999, Jacqueline Avery was born and marked F on her birth certificate. Her parents couldn't of been more ecstatic to have such a beautiful and healthy babygirl.

By the time Jacqueline was three, she was already different from the other girls. There was always something that set her aside from the rest of the girls at daycare.

The other young girls wore pretty pink and wanted to be a beautiful princess with a handsome prince. They all wanted to be straight from a fairytale, just like they saw in the movies.

Jacqueline, wanted to come straight from a fairytale to, and wanted a handsome prince just like the rest of them. But something about the thought of being a 'princess' didnt seem very appealing to her.

When Jacqueline got on the bus for her first day of kindergarten she waved goodbye to her mom, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She feared how it would be without the usual company of her mother.

When Jacqueline walked onto the bus, all eyes turned on her. All of the students thought the same thing, "What's his name?"

Jacqueline had her hair cut short like that of other boys and wore stereotypical "boys" clothes, but her mom and dad just thought it was a "phase" and thought nothing of it, figuring it would eventually pass sooner or later.

Jacqueline walked slowly down the isle of the bus before she was pulled out of her thoughts by a soft voice that said, "You can sit here if you want to."

She looked to where the voice came from and her eyes landed on a boy with brunette hair, and soft blue-grey eyes that radiated a kind energy.
"Okay!" She replied, glad that she had already made a new friend.

The boy grabbed his bag, making room for the other boy by placing it on his lap. Jacqueline sat down also placing her bag on her lap.

"I'm Corbyn, what's your name?"
The brunette asked.

Jacqueline thought for a moment before answering. "I'm Jack, it's nice to meet you!" She stuck out her hand.

The other boy who she now knew as Corbyn, gladly took her hand and shook it while looking into Jacquelines eyes and smiling a warm smile.

Over the whole kindergarten year the two became very close, as both there parents said "There like two peas in a pod."

Throughout elementary school, Jacqueline continued to present in what society saw it as a more "masculine" way. Her parents were getting worried about how she was being treated at school because of her differences from the other girls in her grade.

But what they didnt know, was that, no one had a clue that Jack, was actually Jacqueline. Everyone saw here as a boy.
The only ones who didnt, were the teachers. But even then, they still called her Jack.

Infact, the only time Jack was called Jacquline at school was when her parents were there for the activity nights and school confrences.

Other than that, you never heard the name Jacquline come out of anyone's mouth while at school.

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