Dorbyn [innocent love] ⚠️SMUT⚠️

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PISS (accidentally and it's kinda soft)
forced feminization (kinda like pet names) but like not really
Dom Corbyn (he is still being fucked) Sub Daniel (he is shy and innocent)
Gay shit
Orgasm denial (But like barely)
Loss of virginity
First time
Tooth rotting sweet fluffy soft (kinda) sex
Praise because I said so and I'm gay
Slight little space implied but Daniel doesn't know he has a head space and slips in and out of it

Another warning: if you don't like this, blame my kinky bastard of a friend who bribed me with food to write this. AND please don't judge if you decide to read. There were warnings, it's your fault if you don't like the story. But for those of you kinky fucks that stayed.........buckle up..*smirks and laughs in evil gay*

Also I sometimes use they/them pronouns when referring to Corbyn. Just so you don't get confused yes he is a boy In the story, I just use neutral pronouns a lot when referring to people and I was to lazy to go back through and change all of them. So if it's there oops. And I have Corbyn refer to himself as she like twice during sex because of well, you'll see I guess.

Corbyn and Daniel. Daniel and Corbyn.

Both with feelings for one another, but both to afraid to admit it.

They both knew too.

Yet they still couldn't bring themselves to admit that they liked the other.

They both had reasons.

Daniel was afraid of rejection.

So was Corbyn.

Daniel was afraid of how Corbyn would react.

Corbyn was afraid of how Daniel would react...............whence he found out.

Now if your wondering what Corbyn didn't want Daniel to find out about, here's the story in short.

Corbyn was born on the 25th of November, 1998 as a healthy baby girl.

Except they weren't a girl and their parents would soon come to realize that as they grew older.

By the age of 13: time of puberty, Corbyn's voice started to drop, their shoulders started to broaden, and their parents became worried.

So, like any concerned parent would, they brought him to the doctors.

That was the day that they got the shocking, yet at the same time relaxing news: Corbyn was intersex. He had the xy chromosome like that of a biological male, but had a vagina like that of a biological female. His parents were almost as shocked as was he.

(Quick interruption, I don't mean to invalidate any possible trans readers or cause any discomfort so by me saying biological male/female I am just merely talking about how a doctor would classify it as. Trust me, I know it could cause discomfort if your trans, non binary etc. because I am trans and it does make me feel uncomfortable. So if I offended anybody or triggered anyone's dysphoria, I am so very sorry.)

This changed so much for Corbyn. Brought up so much questions: What did this mean for him? Was he gonna continue to live as female? Or was he gonna live as a male? Or maybe neither?

So much questions, and not so much answers.

After a couple of months of internal debating, Corbyn decided that they didn't feel comfortable living as a female anymore, and wanted to be known as Corbyn, a boy from there on out.

So he was. Luckily his parents had chosen the name Corbyn which was typically a "male" name so he didn't have to change that.

It wasn't hard to adjust since Corbyn was going through a "male" puberty, so it made it easier for his parents to switch to he/him rather than she/her pronouns.

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