Announcement PLEASE READ

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Hello lovelies, it's Flynn. I wanted to write this to give you a kind of explanation as to where I have been and why I've been so mia. If you guys have read my about me thing you'll see that I am trans. I was born a female but am now taking to steps to medically transition into a male. That being said, growing up was always hard for me especially with me being gay and trans in a rather rural and judgmental neighborhood. I was always made fun of, was called names, was the punching bag of the school, hell the entire town hated me. While living in that neighborhood, some of the most common things said towards me were that I was fat, ugly, useless, a faggot, a dyke, a muff snatcher, and so on. With the insults constantly being thrown at me, I started to believe them, which led me to start self harming. At first I took to scratching myself to feel some form of release. But as things progressed and things only became worse I started to cut myself. Everyday I would cut myself 18 times. Be it on my arms, my legs, basically anywhere on my body that had untouched, clean skin, I took to ruining it with my at the time, best friend. My razor. Eventually summer came round and I had no choice but to where more revealing clothes. I couldn't hide it anymore. My secret was out. Not only did I have to see the look of disappoint in my parents eyes, but I had to see the look of pity as well. You'd think that whence the kids at school found out they'd stop the bullying and harrassment, but it only added fuel to the fire. Around late fall almost winter I started to eat less and less calories a day, hoping that maybe if I was just a bit skinnier the kids at school would like me and maybe I'd see some beauty in myself too. Back then whereas I was eating a good 1800 calories a day, I dropped down to a 750 calorie average on a good day. To put this into hindsight,  the average female is supposed to eat around 2000 calories a day, and the average male is supposed to eat around 2500 calories a day. Meaning: I was basically slowly killing myself. And slap on the daily blood loss from my daily 18 cuts, and you might as well call me fucked. At the beginning of that year I started off weighing around 140-150lbs . At the end of the year I weighed 76 pounds at my lightest weight. The only people who seemed to notice how fast I was dropping weight was my parents. And they helped me through everything, and I am so fucking thankful for them, and if I could give them the world, I'd do it ten times over then more. Around the time I weight 76 pound I was eating 50 calories a day: two egg whites. The rest was water. I was pulled from school for six months after my heart almost gave out on me during gym and was put in hospital for three weeks before being admitted into an eating disorder clinic where I began my lengthy recovery. Now today, on July 3rd, 2019 I weigh 96 pounds and am continuing to slowly regain my health. But, I've had a lot of ups and downs with my recovery and that's why I haven't posted. I recently relapsed with my anorexia and self harm. I was put back into hospital for two weeks and am now back home, which luckily isnt in that shitty town anymore. But I'm doing better and I've been feeling a lot better recently. I started to draw and paint again, which I haven't done in a long time. I also started to stretch my ears, which has suprising lifted my fucking spirit so much. And recently.....................I got my first testosterone shot. I'm feeling good. Almost happy if you will. But if you read this, I wanted to say thankyou and that I am looking forward to getting back into my writing. I'm hopefully going to post my comeback oneshot later this morning, if not now, later. Its gonna be a bit weird to some people and if you dont end up reading it, that's fine. But I love you guys and I hope you do enjoy! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 regarding my update schedule, as of right now, I will not have one seeing as I am still in a rough place. But i do promise that I wont leave for two months again. I love you guys.


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