Jarbyn (fairy Corbyn)

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Size kink......like majorly
Slight punishment, but like sexy shit (wink wonk)
Weird so........if you dont like, dont read
Dont know what else to put as warnings so..yeah
Oh, praise kink
It's kinda uwu soft but in a weird way ya know?


Being a fairy was hard for Corbyn, not because he was small or thought of as weird. No, he was just somehow always managing to get himself in trouble, sometimes on purpose, sometimes on accident. Well on purpose, or on accident he always got some form of punishment from his owner, Jack.

Today, was no different.

Corbyn was getting on Jack's nerves, and he was starting to get irritated with the smaller, but older in age fairy.

All day he had been misbehaving. Knocking down pencils. Throwing his small clothes, that alone didnt seem like much but at the rate Corbyn was tossing them around they began to pile up.

Jack wasn't having it, yet he still remained calm not wanting to scare the fairy who was only 4 inches tall.

Corbyn huffed a breath out and crossed his arms over his chest before his lips formed into a small angry pout, wings folding down to the sides of his body.

Jack noticed this. "Corbyn what's wrong? All day you've been acting up. Do you wanna talk?"

Corbyn only looked away from the younger, though he didnt know why. He did want to talk, and he did want Jack's attention. "No, just mind your own business!"

Jack was taken aback by the slight additude that was shown towards him. Yeah Corbyn could act up sometimes and he understood that. After all he was a small fairy in a big mans world. But not once had he ever talked back towards Jack.

"Excuse me?" Jack asked, slight anger showing in his voice as he did so.

"I said mind your own business, piss off!" The fairy stood up from the place he sat, being a small bench that had been made specifically to fit a fairy of his size and flapped his blue wings in annoyance.

"DONT. Talk to me that way or your gonna get punished! I mean it!" Jack threatened.

Corbyn only rolled his eyes. "What are you gonna do to me huh?" He said in a taunting manner as he crossed his arms over his small and fragile chest.

Jack looked at him with anger in his eyes and his lips pressed together in a tight line of irritation. Corbyn gulped. The younger stood up and started to make his way over to where the small fairy stood, arms still crossed over his chest.

"You dont want to get on my nerves. And you especially dont wanna know what I'm gonna do if you continue to behave in such horrid ways you little brat!" Jack practically spit in corbyn's face as he leaned down close to the small fairy In front of him.

Corbyn flinched at the degrading word brat. He had never been called anything like that before, and he knew then that he had fucked up.

Big time. (Rush.... I had to)

But at the same time there was something about the word that he found.......what was it? Appealing. Sexy. Provocative. What ever it was, he kinda wanted to hear it again. Hear that tone in which Jack said it towards him in.....again.

"You wouldn't dare. You have no balls. Your a pussy. A weak little pussy Jack. Your nothing but a little crybaby bitch" Corbyn said teasingly while moving his head to the side to emphasize the "point" he made. 

Jack slammed his fist down on the table besides where Corbyn stood making the small fairy not only flinch but fall over onto his butt before letting out a wince.

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