Roll The Dice and Let Them Fall Where They May

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Name: Reese Winnoa

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Class: Warlock of Archfey



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Height: 5'6

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Height: 5'6

Weight: 115 lbs

Clothing: Shown Above

Personality: Reese is very intelligent. Using words as her weapons aside from her powers, she is seen as a mature girl. She has a curious heart always ready to learn but, finds it hard to with the disappearance of her brother. She tries her best at everything she does and doesn't back down from a challenge.

-Starter Set
-Starter Armor
-Crossbow 1d8 damage
-10 Arrows

Learning how to shoot a crossbow came not from Reese, but her older brother, Arlo. Arlo taught Reese to shoot to speak maturely to basically be a human. They were happy. By the time Reese turned sixteen, her village became a central point for trade, meaning Reese had a good chance to earn enough gold to leave town, her brother did the same. Soon, at the age of seventeen, Reese and Arlo had enough to leave town and start their own lives but, their village was attacked, Arlo was taken and Reese was left, unconscious and unaware. When she came around the news was broken to her and she became furious and ran off, that was when she met Archfey, made a deal, and became a Warlock...sorta.

Other: She has a cloak and a journal on her at all times.

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