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Name: Kitiria Dawa
Nickname: Kit, Kitty, Terry, Dragon Girl
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Name: Kitiria DawaNickname: Kit, Kitty, Terry, Dragon GirlAge: 15Gender: FemaleSexuality: Bisexual Appearance:

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Personality:If you want a life of the party, that Kit

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Personality:If you want a life of the party, that Kit. Kit will light up a room when she steps in and will make anyone smile even on a rainy day. She has this flare about her that allows people to show their emotions and just talk to her, shes a great listener.

Likes: Flying, Talking to Reptiles, Dancing, Making people smile and Listening
Dislikes: No one understanding her, being left out, Over using her powers, Onions, and Snarky responses.

Quirk: Dragon Raider: Kit can talk to reptiles and unlock their inner dragons.
Quirk Drawback: It takes ALOT of energy and sometimes reptiles don't want to participate.

Alias: Ryu (Meaning Dragon)
Alias Appearance:

Alias: Ryu (Meaning Dragon)Alias Appearance:

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Alias Alligment:  Hero

Strengths: Speaking to Reptiles, Defusing situations without violence, Hand to Hand, and Dancing
Weaknesses: Little kids, Closed spaces, Losing her energy, and Portals

Even as a kid, Kit was seen as a weirdo. She was fascinated with nature and always dreamed of being able to live her days amongst it. That really got the bullies going. By the time she got her quirk, she didnt want it. She would refuse to tell anyone anything about it until, she met her pet lizard, Keys. Keys brought out the good in her and she raised her voice and she became a force to reckon with.

Other: Keys is the lizard in the photo

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