Chapter 11 Definitely Love!

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

Chapter 11

Definitely Love!

(1 week later)

It's already nine o'clock on Valentines Day, Taylor wants to stay for a few weeks and Zayn really likes her so she is living with him, but sleeping on the couch for now and he wants her to stay for Valentines Day for sure. Everyone is over at Liam's place and his suite is the biggest, because it has three bedrooms total and the biggest living so we often have 'parties' at his place if we want to all be together. Once again Niall and Nellie ditch, I guess they just don't like to make their love public or they are shy but whatever it is, they grab a couple a beers and leave, back to their suite. I still think we are all a little shocked that Taylor just got up and left her home, left everything behind, but she did tell me that Zayn once said he would date a fan so maybe she is going after that, I just hope nobody's heart gets broken. Well Louis is the only one that is single here and he says "I am going to get so drunk, that I won't remember that I don't have a girlfriend, and then in the morning, I will find one" as he laughs, silly Louis. Liam gets concerned and tells him "if you want to stay here for the night, or go back to your place that's fine, but I don't want anything to happen to you, so settle in somewhere and stay there okay Louis?". Louis is sitting in the big, comfy chair and has already had a couple beers, you can tell, but I say "thanks Liam, for caring so much" and he says back "that's my job, if no on else does it" acting important. I get up to get a beer and I ask Liam "hey you want one?" "not right now" he says all gloomy but Louis speaks up "but I would like one please" and I say "no Louis I am sorry I am not going to have on if Liam doesn't want one and, by looking at you, I don't think you need anymore so if you want another, get it yourself".

"Okay I get it" he says as he gets up but then sits right back down, I put my beer back in the fridge (I am too young anyway) and come back to sit with Liam on one of the big couches, "so now I would like to know, why can't you drink Liam?" I ask him because I was still curious from before and we haven't drank in a while all together so now is the time. He clears his throat "I told you when I was a baby that I had a lot of health problems? well one of them was I had two sick kidneys-". He pauses for a second because he hears Angel and Harry laughing really loudly then before we know it Angeline come running out of the bedroom wearing Jeans and a bra, she yells between laughs "I think I might need a couple of these too" as she grabs two beers from the fridge and walks back into the bedroom "okay then" says Liam. "Now where was I, oh yes so I needed thirty-two injections a day just to survive because I was born early and they were trying to heal at least one of my kidneys, and so it healed as I got a little older but up till right before I met you, I was still taking medication because the doctors decided to keep the other sick one in me in case it healed some day and it did but they still say I shouldn't drink much yet, not to say that I don't because I have before I just don't like to and I don't like to see ladies drink either". "Well I am sorry to hear that and as long as you don't drink, I won't drink, even when I am old enough" I say back as I smile, then we both look over onto the other big couch where Taylor and Zayn are having what seems like a really deep conversation, where they are laughing, but it also seems pretty serious. I have grown apart from Taylor ever since she came here, which is fine because I left her to and we both need to work on our love lives as well, I am just not quite used to this yet.

Louis was passed out, even though he didn't have more than two drinks "I think he is tired to be honest, I mean he can hold his liquor and I have seen him drunk before but I really think he is tired, so just let him crash" Liam informs me and I say back "how about we crash too?" I ask winking. Harry's birthday had just passed and he turned twenty-one so that is probably why Angeline grabbed two beers, because he can now drink legally in America, Liam finally answers me after a long pause "I think so" as he winks at me. He gets up with me and says to Zayn "you guys can take that other bedroom if you want it" of course he is in a conversation so he just looks at Liam with his eyes and nods, then continues with Taylor. Then, Liam takes me by the hand and leads me into our bedroom, we can still hear Harry and Angeline in the other bedroom just laughing their heads off, I give Liam a look of confusion and he says "yeah they do that a lot, they literally just sit in bed and laugh for an hour before anything happens" and I say "well let's try not to do that". We both remove our outer clothes and get into bed, Liam says as he rolls on top of me "well now or never I guess" "what do you mean never?" but then I realize he was just trying to distract me to get on top for an advantage, little did he know I am stronger than he thinks I am.

I push him to the side and get on top with my legs kneeling around his hips, I start to kiss him softly and flip my hair to one side, I am really glad I am off my period too or this would have been difficult, then I hear the thunder, right away I sit up and he says "what's wrong, are you okay?". "Yeah, I have always wanted to do this though" I say back, "what?, this? because we have already done this" he says confused, then I do a really high pitched, laugh and say "no silly, just come with me" I say as I grab his hand. He grabs his pants and puts them on quickly, and hands his shirt to me, we walk through the suite and Harry and Angeline are snoring in the other bedroom, then we go through the living room and Louis is still passed out, and Zayn and Taylor are finally kissing but the second we come in, they pretend to go back to talking for us, as we go out the door Liam points Zayn to the bedroom and laughs. I know exactly where I was going, I grabbed the party room key, on the way out so Liam probably thinks we are going there, but once we get down there, I unlock the door and run through to the door to the outside. I see it is pouring rain I say "uhh perfect" and he says "wait what?" then I plant a strong kiss on him and I say "you have never been kissed in the rain before?" "nope, but I am glad that my first time was with you" he says as he smiles. By this time my hair is damp, and I could care less because I am glad he liked it because he holds me closer and kisses me gently again, then he touches my face with one hand and then on the opposite side kisses my neck, and then puts his forehead on mine and just stares at me as he holds my face again, he touches my wet lips with his soft thumb.

When we get back inside and have dried off mostly, it's eleven o'clock and Zayn and Taylor are now in that other bedroom, and Louis took over one of the couches with a blanket he borrowed from the bedroom Zayn is in. Liam and I are really tired too, but we are also hungry, so we quietly go out to the kitchen, Liam asks me what I want and I whisper back "how about some ice cream, do we have any still or did you eat it all" as I chuckle a little he gets me a scoop of chocolate ice cream, our favorite, and he gets one for himself too. Once we are done eating our ice creams, Liam asks "so are you actually ready now?" I say "of course I was ready the whole time" then he puts the bowl in the sink, I get up and he picks me up, with my legs wrapped around his hips and carries me into the bedroom, kissing me, while he says "except that hour kissing in the rain session" "oh I didn't realize you didn't-" I say feeling bad, then he corrects me and says "it's alright I loved it" while he smiles. We get back in the bed, he gets on top and we 'do it', I can barely breath when we stop and then he rolls over onto his back as we just lay there I say "wow Liam" and he says "yeah, Well it is Valentines Day you know" he says out of breath as well. "Again?" I ask as I giggle loudly and he says "okay" as he looks over at me seductively, he gets on me and we 'do it' again as I hold the back of his neck as I wonder if the boys can hear me moan, besides Liam, because I am loud as hell. I would have to say tonight was the most romantic night I have ever had so far with a guy, I even got my dream of being kissed in the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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