Chapter 6 Emergencies!

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

Chapter 6


The next day Niall and Nellie come over to hang out for a few hours, after we explain the Liam and Matt story to them, we sit in the living room, watching movies for a while, when suddenly Liam out of the blue says "babe I have to go downstairs to get something" "okay, please hurry" I say, kind of wondering what it could be. After fifteen minutes of waiting I tell Niall and Nellie I will be right back while I walk down the stairs to find Liam flirting with the girl at the front desk, shocked, I walk over there, and this girl doesn't know who I am so she starts to ask me " Hi my name is Kimberly can I get you anything?" and I interrupt her and answer by asking Liam "what were you doing down here babe?" (I threw the babe in on purpose for Kimberly). "umm.. well I was umm...." he mumbled, when I knew he was trying to come up with a reason to be down here with Kimberly, "I am his EX does that clear things up?" Kimberly asks sarcastically "yes, yes it does I am just going to grab my purse, then I am leaving, goodbye Liam, have fun with your old, but now, new love" I say as I say goodbye. Liam says angrily "wow Kim you had to do that?" I can't believe he could do this to me, I can't believe I fell for thee Liam Payne in the first place, what was I thinking, now I feel like running back home and hoping none of this happened. I go upstairs get my purse, say goodbye to Niall and Nellie, they say goodbye, very confused and I walk out the back door to my car, I drive back to my other apartment, (my little messy one) as soon as I get to my bedroom, I slam the door, jump on my bed, face down and start to cry my eyes out

I think to myself and doubt my life choices, "I wish I had never gone to that concert" I say to myself, "I am a horrible person, no Liam is, no it's not his fault, oh yes it is, he could have not lied to me to go downstairs, but I don't know how their relationship was, I should have questioned him more-" as I go on talking to myself out loud, into my pillow for at least forty minutes, I am still lightly crying. I hear a knock on my apartment door, who could that be, I really didn't want to talk to anyone, but maybe the word got out to the rest of the boys, and that's Harry coming to comfort me, I highly doubt it, but I go to check anyway, I open the door and it's Liam. "go away I don't want to see you" I yelled and almost slammed the door in his face, when he caught it and pleaded "please, I want to talk to you about this" I really couldn't resist because I was curious on what that was really all about, so I opened to let the door go and said "come here then" as I huffed and walked to the couch to sit down "you better start talking". "okay here goes, so Kimberly is my EX girlfriend and we dated for like three years, when I realized she was way too old for me I mean she is twenty-eight, she also didn't respect my drinking issue and she would come home drunk all the time and then was mad at me that I didn't go with her, I broke up with her and I fell in love with the most wonderful woman of my life and I decided I would never leave her for any other girl". I interrupt him and say "until now", then he huffs and goes "oh no Rose, see that's the thing, I didn't know she worked at the front desk, until this morning when Harry called me and told me about it" oh that's what the phone call was about this morning "then I went down there just to see how she was and she started flirting with me and asked me why I was wearing glasses and I explained why, and that I have a girlfriend now again and I would stay with her forever, she was jealous and started explaining that age doesn't matter and that we should get back together, then we started getting on the subject of all the good times we had, when you came downstairs". "Ha I see" I say very disappointed then he continues "but then I saw how crushed you were and as soon as you left we had a fight and I fired her, so she won't ever be back again Rose" there was a long awkward silence.

"You see I really do love you, I even deleted her number from my phone" Liam said hopefully "I really wish you would mean what you say" I say persuasively "I know and I promise that I will hide things from you again". As he reaches for my chin to pull me in for a kiss I say "I believe you" then we smooch, really romantically and Liam asks me "how would you like to come to the studio with me, The guys and I have to record a song". "umm sure do you really want me to come?" "of course" he says while he smiles and kisses me again, while lightly pushing the hair out of my face, so we get in his car and drive over to the studio, we are pretty silent in the car only because we already said what we have to say, and that kiss was a good ending. Once we get there it's kind of a small place, but Liam leads me hand in hand inside, and gestures over to the couch and says "now you need to make sure you are really quiet" "okay" I say as I giggle. Of course I can't stop acting like a weirdo, so I yell right before they start recording "go Liam, good job" as I crack myself up, Liam just glances over to me, smiles, and shakes his head, as he keeps on singing his first line. Then I yell again when they take a pause "hey Liam, draw me like one of your French girls" as I lay out on the couch, he comes over and whispers to me "okay I get it, I will give you attention later, but right now I have to work babe, so could you please stay quiet for at least twenty minutes?" as he winks at me and presses his lips on my forehead. "okay" I whisper back to him, "okay guys let's get back to work" and Louis says back jokingly "you should give her a carrot to have fun with till you can be with her later" as Niall chuckles like a leprechaun, they start again and every time Liam has a solo he looks over at me, I feel like he is touching my soul "girl I see it in your eyes your disappointed..." I hear him sing.

It turns out I took a short nap, because their voices are honestly like a lullaby, when I wake up, Liam is sitting by my feet and looking at me saying "hey babe I have some time what did you want" as he winks I say "oh nothing just this" as I playfully pull him down onto me to kiss those sweet, thick lips he has. He embraces me, holding my back as I put my arms around his neck he sits me up and we talk quietly for a few minutes about how the recording went. Then he teases "well I am kinda glad you fell asleep, because then we could get some actual work done" as he smiles, I pretend to slap him, acting mad and turn the other way, then he grabs me from behind and tickles me to make me face him. I laugh, glance at him playfully and lay down on his lap, out of breath because he tickled me so hard, suddenly Zayn pops out from behind the couch and scares me half to death, as he screams "Vas Happinin?" as he laughs hysterically. Liam and I giggle lightly, as the rest of the boys walk over from behind the couch "what's up Hazza?" Liam asks Harry (that's his nickname for Harry) "oh ya know just spying on you guys". "Umm excuse me I am not a guy" I say loudly, Louis breaks in and says "wait are you sure Liam? we better check" and Liam laughs and replies with "yeah come on boys help me" as he tries to unbutton my shorts I scream and hug Liam so tightly, while pinning down his arms, so no one could continue "okay okay definitely a girl" Liam says then Niall says "way to sassy to be a boy" "well then again, Louis is pretty sassy" Harry says as they all grin at Louis and chase him down the hall except Liam and I we just keep hugging and cuddling for a while.

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