Chapter 7 Getting Away!

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

Chapter 7

Getting Away!

Lately Liam and I have been talking about running away for a short vacation, but we were waiting for short work break or vacation for him and this next week he is less busy, so today we left and went to Miami, Florida for a week. I assume Liam is used to going on planes, by touring and all but this was only my third time on a plane, so I was still a little scared, no just kidding a lot scared, I hold his hand for dear life as we took off, then I fall asleep on his shoulder, the flight was over before I knew it and as we are getting off, Liam explains "you should try flying to Wolverhampton, it's way longer" and I reply with "I don't think I could handle it, without you" he just smiles and helps me get off, we didn't bring a lot of luggage, but we pick up what we brought. Liam's eye has gotten a lot better since it's been nine days and I put ice on it everyday, but he still wears glasses all the time so people don't recognize him as much, also we always have a body guard nearby whenever we go out, so in case he gets mobbed, someone can protect us and hide me. It seems to me that everywhere we go, there is a private something just for celebrity's and of course I never read about or see celebrity's, so I don't flip out when we see Usher or some other famous people. When we get to the hotel we find out that they have an outside pool and we both like swimming now so we decide to take a dip, but first we get to our actual hotel room, check it out, and change, then we head down to the pool right after. When I was a little kid, I was deathly afraid of water, until I swam enough and got used to it, besides tonight, in his arms I feel more safe than I ever have felt in water, "are you okay, you know you have been holding me like this for a while?" I ask really concerned "oh yeah I could do this all day" he replies as he laughs and looks at my face, then body, then face again.

While I am floating on my back on the waters surface, he holds me up, supporting me at the back and knees, he suddenly let's me go, and we walk over where it's more shallow, holding hands, then on the side, he stands up, and the water level is right as his hips, he picks me up and puts me on the side (on the very edge). With my legs spread over his hips, he leans to my face as we make out, I play with his soaking wet flippy hair, it's so sexy and I can't think about anything else besides him. He picks me up again, with his lips still glued to mine, he walks over to where the deeper water is "okay I am going to lean you back into the water again now okay babe?" he says slipping into our kissing "okay can I flip off of you?" I ask, and he asks "wait what do you mean?" "you have to go right in between where the shallow and deep water meet, get on your knees, and I stand on them and then do a back flip off of you". "Oh" he says shockingly as we do it, he is still confused, but he laughs, after I jump back, I come back up and race over to the ladder, walk over to the diving board and do a quick cannonball, as I come up, I go to the side and Liam says "well I for sure know how to do that" he does a cannonball and when he comes up I say "okay but I can do it better" as I smile playfully at him and lunge toward him. He lifts me up, so my whole body is completely out of the water and looks up at me, as I imitate the Dirty Dancing movie and slide back down into a passionate kiss. Liam and I both agree that French kissing is disgusting so we have never done it before.

We find out about this little park just outta town and Liam takes me on a romantic walk thought the park, when we come to this small band shell, I can not believe my eyes, the boys are surprising me, and everyone, with a free concert. "I was going to tell you babe, but I wanted it to be a surprise" he says to me while smiling, I smile back and say "that's okay, it's a perfect surprise babe" he pulls me in and gives me a Liam hug (rubbing my back). Then I say "well I guess I have to stay camouflaged so you don't get questioned" he chuckles then says back "well I guess, but I wish you didn't have to, but you can pick sneaking backstage, or in the crowd, so I can look down at you". "What do you think?" I ask even though I know that he knows the answer already, he pulls in me at my butt for another hug and then leans over for a kiss, as I am looking up with my front right in front of his front, but my body leaning back. We immediately separate again before anyone can see us, so I walk over towards the crowd, I have to say it's not very big because this is an older park so it's not that popular and it is a free surprise, so hardly anybody knows about it, Liam makes his way to the stage with the rest of the guys, who are just starting, he gets there just in time to start the song. As they sing 'Irresistible' I couldn't stop crying, 'Another World' was totally mental and the small audience was fist pumping, Liam practically sings 'They Don't Know About Us' to just me, then the boys wanted to sing 'Diana' so Liam went along with it, for some reason every time I hear that song, I think of Princess Diana, but maybe that's just me haha, and finally they sing 'Kiss You' to finish and I went totally bonkers.

There are a few, crazy girls still that throw their bra at them, but Liam tried to ignore it and look at me of course, Harry went crazy on the stage, Liam is holding his tummy while singing. Zayn is holding his crotch while singing, Louis' hand is on his leg while singing, and Niall is just waving his hand around while singing. Liam has to wait till everyone has cleared out, before he can come back over to me, so I am just sitting down in the grass, awkwardly waiting for him, when he finally runs over, he practically tips me over by lightly jumping on me. "was that crazy or what?" he asks me really excitedly and I reply with "oh yeah, but I missed you and I cried during Irresistible" he replied with "I know I saw you, and my eyes started watering too" as he lightly smiles and gives me a smooch on the for head. "So are the guys staying here to spy on us or are they going to go back home?" I ask and he answers me with "Yeah they are going back home, but we can stay here as long as you want" "not really, because you are in One Direction, but yeah I get it" as I laugh hysterically. We continue our walk after he changes clothes real quick and put some shades on.

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