The Truth

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We just got back to the mansion from  the bin. i asked scrooge if i could talk to him. i wanted to talk to him about these weird feelings i'm getting and the trances I've been stuck in. webby, Louie, Dewey and Huey kept asking me if i am okay. i reply "i'm fine i just need to talk to scrooge".i leave them and go into scrooges office, i close the door behind me. he sits in his chair and asks "now what did you want to talk to me about lass?".i said "i wanted to talk with you about how i keep getting these weird feelings". scrooge looked surprised "oh well what do you feel?"." i don't know like something powerful is coursing through my veins".he looks at me i continue "and you know what happened in the car when webby kept calling me".

 he nodded his head." i was in some sort of trance". he perked when he heard this.he said "tell me what you saw?". "well i was floating in darkness when all of a sudden i see a f/c star.when i touched the star everything went white.that was when i got out of the trance". he asked "how long has this been going on?". i reply "it started two weeks ago". he then says "has your parents ever told you about your grandmother on your fathers side". i was confused when he said that.what did my grandmother have to do with this. i shook my head no. "well y/n i want to tell you a story about your grandmother. you see me and your grandmother were very good friends.when we were young-lings like you she told me the exact same symptoms your having". i was shocked. he continued "one day your grandmother and i were on an adventure. we were trying to get the the heart of herniation. 

we had to cross an old rickety bridge over a boiling pool of lava. i went first across because it couldn't support both our weight. as i was crossing, the whole bridge started to snap next thing you know i was falling into a pit of i was about to get ready to hit the lava i didn't feel anything when i opened my eyes i saw your grandmother her hands were purple which was her favorite color. i then looked at myself i was surrounded by a glowing purple barrier around me. your grandmother levitated me to then end of the cliff where she was. we were both shocked on how she could do that. i asked your grandmother "how did you do that?". she said "i don't know".

 it turned out she had magical power's".i was standing there shocked while scrooge looked out his window. he then said "y/n i think you might have inherited your grandmothers powers. i am surprised your parents have never told you that story". i replied still shocked "me too." scrooge said "y/n you do have you grandmothers magical powers and we will have to train you on how to control them, alright lass". i nodded my head. scrooge continued and said "alright lass go on and go play with the boys an webby. if you have anymore questions i will be in my office".

 i nodded and walked out. i knew i had to tell webby and the boys this. i ran to her room and opened up the door.i saw all the boys sitting there talking to webby. they all looked at me with worry in their eyes. webby walked up to me and asked "y/n, can you please tell us what has been up with you lately?".Louie responded "yea were all worried about you". Huey said "come on y/n, you can trust us". i said "i know,i just got done talking to scrooge and the reason i came here was to talk to you guys about what i found out". i sit down on the floor and they surround me to listen.

Time skip to after the story was done

they all looked shocked. Dewey said "so you inherited you grandmother's magical powers". i nodded. webby started to squeal and jump up and down yelling "MY BEST FRIEND HAS MAGICAL POWERS!". i started laughing. Huey looked at me and said "y/n, why didn't you tell us what you were feeling that way?". i replied "well at first i thought it was nothing. then i started having those trances, that's when it got weird". Huey nodded. Louie said to me "so, can you try those magical powers right now". i nervously said "well i don't know what would happen, i mean that would be my first time but i could try". i asked looking at webby "hey webby, do you have anything i could probably use as practice?". she nodded and ran into her closet.

she came out with a dummy with arrows sticking out of his head. she dropped it on the floor. i began to ready myself. i closed my eyes, i calmed myself down  and breathed in and out slowly. i began to think about the magical powers i had. i felt my whole body become more powerful. i felt very different. like i had just connected with the energy inside me. i opened my eyes to see the dummy floating with a f/c barrier around it. i look at my hands they are covered in a f/c light. i look at everyone and their faces all looked both shocked and excited. webby started jumping up and down excited again she shouted "OMG MY BEST FRIEND HAS MYSTICAL POWERS!".

 Dewey started saying "oh we are going to have so many awesome adventures". Huey ran up to and hugged me while saying "oh this so cool!, i have to log this in my j.w.g!". he started writing. Louie said "WOW! y/n, what else can you do?". i replied "i don't know i'll try again later".  Louie said of course. we all sat down talking. after a while it was time to go to bed. i walked to my room,put on my pj's and crawled into bed. my f/c necklace the one my parents gave to me before they were killed. i thought about my parents and how they said "keep this necklace safe".i wondered what is so special about this necklace.i just shrugged and snuggled under the blankets and thought today was really unexpected and drifted off to a wonderland of sleep.

(a/n i know it is not that good i was just trying to think of something but  have a horrible imagination. bye guys see real soon and remember keep being awesome)

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