Raiders Of The Doomsday Vault!

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3rd person pov

you,dewey,della and scrooge were flying in the plane. you yelled in excitement "whoo hoo!" as della flipped the plane while flying.

 as she she stopped,she yelled "i missed ya girl. the cloudslayer flies again!" you asked "the cloud slayer?" dewey said "that is a way better name than the sunchaser!" you nodded in agreement. 

as della flips the plane, dewey asks "why would huey and louie wanna miss this?!" you yelled back "i know right!" 

della stops, behind you, you can hear scrooge almost puke as he says "i think i may have some idea." you roll your eyes playfully as you smile settling into your seat next to dewey.

 dewey says "dewey,della duck and y/n l/n on their first high flying adventure!" you yelled excitedly "yeah!"

 scrooge comes closer as he states "not ad-venture. business-venture. we're headed to norway,home of the von drake doomsday vault." you dewey and della say in interest "ohh!" scrooge finishes "a sterile seed depository." you all say in disappointment "meh." 

he rolls his eyes and continues "he was my old colleague,ludwig von drake collected millions of seeds for safekeeping in case of an apocalypse. unfortunately, the vaults been damaged by melting permafrost. we must convince the the owners to hire mcduck bin securities to fix it." he glared at della as he finished "if we manage to get there in one piece."

 della scoffs and replied "please uncle scrooge,i've been flying before donald could walk." scrooge rolled his eyes and said "fine. if you know what your doin-" just then della landed the plane....and didn't crash! 

you smiled and said "wow! i've never been in this plane without crashing!" you and dewey ran to the back of the plane excitingly as you pressed the button to open the door.

 you,della,and dewey stood straight as scrooge stumbled a bit. he shook his head snapping himself out of his stumbling state and said "now,the only thing that stands between me and this contract is-"

he was interrupted by someone screaming "flintheart glomgold!" glomgold then flicked on a flashlight and held it up to his face. he began making sound effect noises as he yelled "lighting!"

you stared at him with a weirded out look as you asked "um,glomgold did you remember to take your old man medication today?"

he glared at you slightly as dewey snickered and said "good one y/n." you just high fived him as owlson replied to your question "i cut off his  dramatic entrance budget."

a little bit later/

you,dewey and della watched as scrooge did his presentation. he said "a noble seed. our hope for a better tomorrow. carefully tended,a seed will sprout with promise. that's what your father ludwig wanted for you."

 you glanced to see, what your guessing his kids, crying. scrooge continued "what any parent wants really. to see them thrive in the face of an uncertain tomorrow."

 you see della put her arm around dewey in a motherly way. you smile a little from the scene but then it falters a bit as you think about your family. 

little did you know,there was someone else in the room. they were in the far back hiding in the shadows. they watched you with sadness as you stood there. they whispered "oh,y/n. i'm sorry." you quickly snapped out of your thoughts and listened back into scrooge's speech.

 scrooge continued "in that bault lies everything the world needs to survive a doomsday scenario. food,water, shelter,poison darts, vampire anti toxication, and the money tree of aurum oros."

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