The Richest Duck In The World!

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3rd person pov

You had just woken up and you were actually feeling pretty great today. You felt well rested and didn't have any nightmares about your family which felt good. Ever since you saw Bruce and talked to him again, you felt just really great. Sans smiled as he saw you happily walking down the hall towards scrooge's office, you didn't know why but the two wanted to see you. 

You soon came upon scrooge and Della who were talking in his office. You knocked, "uh, you wanted to see me uncle scrooge?" He looked at you, "ah, yes y/n come in." as you walked over to a chair him and Della glanced at each other and nodded.

 Della smiled, "good morning y/n! how are you?" You shrugged, "uh I'm good? Are you okay?" She laughed, "am I okay? Haha! You crack me up." You stared at her confused as she laughed loudly and awkwardly. Scrooge mumbled to her, "trying too hard." 

She stopped laughing as you just sat there awkwardly, wondering what was happening, "uh, why am I here exactly?" The two turned back to you, "oh! Right, well, we just wanted to see how you've been lately."

 You nodded confused, "uh, I've been good lately?" He nodded, "good good, so you have anything you want to talk to us about? Oh, I don't know maybe something with secrets, or staying out to- "you rolled your eyes, 'is this the best they've got?' 

You fake smiled, "uh no. nothing at all." Della hummed, "are you sure? You don't have anything else you want to tell us? Like something about getting hurt?" you shook your head, "no. nothing." 

Scrooge hummed, he reached into his pocket and made a 50 dollar bill slip out. You watched in amusement, already knowing fairly well what they were trying to do. 'Do they really take me as an idiot? Oh, you two should know me better than that.' 

You rolled your eyes as scrooge fake gasped, "oh, look at that. A 50 dollar bill. y/n why don't you keep this, but in return you have to tell us if you've gotten into any recent fights." You hummed, "nope! No fights!" You snatched the 50 dollar bill from him and ran to the door before he could catch you. 

You glanced back at them though, "oh and is that really all you guys got?" Della frowned, "you know?" You nodded, "I'm not an idiot. You guys really expected me to fall for that?" scrooge nodded, "yes. And that's the sad part."

 You ran away as scrooge tried to get his money back. He sighed as he stopped and walked to the kitchen. You also were walking to the kitchen to eat breakfast. You entered to see, Louie, manny and owlson. 

Louie was sitting in scrooge's chair while owlson and manny were standing by each of his sides. Louie smiled, "uncle scrooge, hi! Thanks for coming!" You raised an eyebrow at him as did scrooge, "uh, to breakfast?"

 You and scrooge walked towards the seats to sit down, "so, do you remember that bet you made with glomgold where the winner won the losers fortune and technically I won both your fortunes so I could give it back to you?" Scrooge sat down, "aye."

 Louie said, "you said I'd be a bigger billionaire than you one day. Well, today is a day and-and-" scrooge narrowed his eyes at him, "what are you trying to say lad?" Louie slammed his hand down on the table and yelled, "I'm keeping it all so I can be the richest duck in the world!" 

They all seemed to flinch and guard their faces as you sat there staring at scrooge, wondering what he was going to do. 

Scrooge started to laugh, "hahahahhahaa! You! Are going to be the richest duck in the world!" Louie glanced round questionly, "...yes?" Scrooge continued to laugh, "oh sure! It's just a complex international conglomeration! You love hard work! Hahaha!" He got up and started towards the door, "have fun. I'll be here when you're ready to give my fortune back." He left. 

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