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Annie was not kidding, she spoiled her goddaughter rotten. She had little dresses for her every time she visited Bliss and something for David too. David was excited to have a little sister, but sometimes he was jealous...and begged for his mommy's attention while she was breastfeeding Bliss. Terry was still working and he was anticipating the time he had to go back home, so he would concentrate so they wouldn't have to do a lot of takes, so he could go back home earlier.

Annie and Archie continued their association. They learned that you don't just need money to make it, you need relations and people to help you. They also learned that some people do nothing else than sabotage other people's effort. The fashion world is one big jungle and they had to fight to get a piece of the action. They finally opened their first store months later, and they were ready to take their relationship to next level. They got engaged on their inauguration night.

Alistair also got engaged to Patty his girlfriend. Anthony was still looking for his soul mate... he couldn't stop thinking about Candy and something was telling himself under other circumstances, he would've been with her... William understood his nephew better than he wanted to, having a thing for Candy himself...

Eliza and her mother were both caught committing adultery by their spouse and their marriages were over. Like mother, like daughter.

One greedy former butler of the Reagans published a tell all book on the life of Neil Reagan, telling how he abused his young wife, Candice, how he blackmailed her into marrying him, how he raped her every single night. Candy's old life was back in the spotlight again, but she had Terry and she made no comment to the press. The book was telling the truth, she had nothing to add about that. She was now depicted as the victim...and people were sorry for judging her the first time around. Candy read the book and she was surprised to see how many details were accurate...Like every story in the media, Hollywood was talking about making a movie... Terry was contacted so was Susanna Marlowe...to play Candy! Terry was contacted as a consultant, since the story was on his wife...Candy didn't think Susanna Marlowe could play her, but she was curious to see the results. Because the book stopped when Candy left the Reagan Mansion after Neil's funeral, Terry will not be in the movie, just mentioned at the end that he had met Candy and married her. The book also talked about the extra marital affairs of the residents of the mansion...Mrs Reagan and her daughter, were done!

When the movie came out, Candy was stunned to see Susanna play the innocent victim taking the abuse of her psycho husband. She was convincing... Susanna Marlowe the person was not nice, but Susanna Marlowe the actress was a good one. Candy hated to admit that!

Candy loved being a mother and she loved her family and her husband. Just when she thought she couldn't love him more, he would do something to make her love him more. They were happy. She and Terry decided that one day they might tell their story to the world.

What's tomorrow? It's never written in advance, it's the result of what you do in the present... so if your present is good, your tomorrow is also going to be good. Don't be afraid of it, you have the power and the control over your life. And tomorrow is only another day.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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